This edited book has been designed to serve as a natural resources engineering reference book as well as a supplemental textbook. This volume is part of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series, an incredible collection of methodologies that study the effects of pollution and waste in their three basic forms: gas, solid, and liquid. It complements two other books in the series including Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering and IntegratedNatural Resources Management that serve as a basis for advanced study or specialized investigation of the theory and...
This edited book has been designed to serve as a natural resources engineering reference book as well as a supplemental textbook. This volume is part ...
This book, Advances in Water Resources Engineering, Volume 14, covers the topics on watershed sediment dynamics and modeling, integrated simulation of interactive surface water and groundwater systems, river channel stabilization with submerged vanes, non-equilibrium sediment transport, reservoir sedimentation, and fluvial processes, minimum energy dissipation rate theory and applications, hydraulic modeling development and application, geophysical methods for assessment of earthen dams, soil erosion on upland areas by rainfall and overland flow, geofluvial modeling methodologies and...
This book, Advances in Water Resources Engineering, Volume 14, covers the topics on watershed sediment dynamics and modeling, integrated simula...
This book presents methodologies for studying the effects of pollution and waste in gas, solid and liquid form. Explores fundamental principles of the field, with methods of practical design and calculation illustrated by numerical examples.
This book presents methodologies for studying the effects of pollution and waste in gas, solid and liquid form. Explores fundamental principles of the...
This text offers a wealth of information on membrane and desalination technologies, employing methods of practical design and calculation illustrated by numerical examples, including cost data where possible, and exploring the fundamentals of the field.
This text offers a wealth of information on membrane and desalination technologies, employing methods of practical design and calculation illustrated ...
The impact of pollution on the environment has emerged as a particularly critical area of research in recent years. This handbook is a collection of methodologies that study the effects of pollution and waste in their three basic forms: gas, solid, and liquid.
The impact of pollution on the environment has emerged as a particularly critical area of research in recent years. This handbook is a collection of m...