Transcript of the manuscript dedicated to Henry VIII (Royal mss. 18 B. XXVIII), with a pedigree of Barlow, edited with an introduction and notes. Barlow's translation of Enciso's Suma de geographia, with much original and supplementary matter by him. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1932.
Transcript of the manuscript dedicated to Henry VIII (Royal mss. 18 B. XXVIII), with a pedigree of Barlow, edited with an introduction and notes. Barl...
'Being about to write down the disastrous voyage of this great ship, it occurred to me how rash men are in their undertakings, chief among which, or one of the greatest is confiding their lives to four planks lashed together, and to the discretion of the furious winds.' So wrote Henrique Dias, an eye-witness of the wreck of the Sao Paulo off Sumatra and the subsequent fate of the survivors. His account is one of three narratives, here translated into English for the first time, of certain shipwrecks which befell the Portuguese in the mid-16th century. The other two describe the wrecking of...
'Being about to write down the disastrous voyage of this great ship, it occurred to me how rash men are in their undertakings, chief among which, or o...
In English translation. For further documents, see Second Series 62, 99 and 111. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1932.
In English translation. For further documents, see Second Series 62, 99 and 111. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first p...
Translated and edited from the German account by Gabriel Tetzel, with supplementary passages from the Latin versions (printed in 1577, 1843 and 1951) of the lost account in Czech by Václav Sasek, both having been Rozmital's companions. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1957.
Translated and edited from the German account by Gabriel Tetzel, with supplementary passages from the Latin versions (printed in 1577, 1843 and 1951) ...
Journals, instructions, minutes, and despatches, transcribed, translated and edited, with an extract from the 1825 journal of Lieut. George Peard, of H.M.S. Blossom. Preface by Cyprian Bridge. Includes a bibliography of 'Easter Island and the Pacific Ocean', pp. 147-58. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1908.
Journals, instructions, minutes, and despatches, transcribed, translated and edited, with an extract from the 1825 journal of Lieut. George Peard, of ...
Book III (1543-44) of Cieza's 'Civil Wars of Peru', translated and edited. The additional documents continue the narrative to c. 1568. For other sections of the same source, in volumes variously titled, see Second Series 42 and 54. Contents: Contents: Introductory note.-The war of Quito / Pedro de Cieza de Leon (LIII chapters), with notes.-Letter from the Bishop of Cuzco to the King.-Indictment of the judges against the Viceroy. Sequel [by the editor]-Letter from Carbajal to Gonzalo Pizarro.-Gasca's voyage.-Murder of the Inca Manco narrated by his son.-Mission of Figueroa to the Inca.-Note...
Book III (1543-44) of Cieza's 'Civil Wars of Peru', translated and edited. The additional documents continue the narrative to c. 1568. For other secti...
Extracts from despatches by Laurens Storm van 's Gravesande to the directors of the Zeeland Chamber of the Dutch West India Company, 1738-72, selected to illustrate the rise and expansion of the colony, with a detailed introduction. This volume covers the period May 1760 to September 1772; for the period up to 15 March 1760, see the preceding volume (Second Series 26), with which the pagination is continuous. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1911.
Extracts from despatches by Laurens Storm van 's Gravesande to the directors of the Zeeland Chamber of the Dutch West India Company, 1738-72, selected...
The translation and edition of a Portuguese account of the coasts of Africa and their discovery, written c.1505-1508. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1937.
The translation and edition of a Portuguese account of the coasts of Africa and their discovery, written c.1505-1508. This is a new print-on-demand h...
The text of the 1699 edition, with slight changes, and additional material, edited with introduction, notes and appendices. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1934.
The text of the 1699 edition, with slight changes, and additional material, edited with introduction, notes and appendices. This is a new print-on-d...