A unique contribution to library management, this book provides practical advice on making wise decisions about the physical processing of nonprint materials, such as videotapes, computer disks, three-dimensional artifacts, and graphic materials. By drawing on the expertise of librarians around the country, the authors have created an analytical and practical guide for making processing decisions and for carrying out the physical processing of nonprint items.
Diverse formats of nonprint materials are common in libraries today, but they present library managers and catalogers with many...
A unique contribution to library management, this book provides practical advice on making wise decisions about the physical processing of nonprint...
Semonche provides a wealth of information on news libraries and the managerial concerns of news librarians. The volume is organized in several broad sections devoted to the history and mission of news libraries, managerial issues and approaches, news libraries and computer-assisted journalism, special concerns of news libraries, and profiles of particular types of news libraries. Chapters within each section address more particular topics and provide valuable guidance on how to manage libraries and implement new technology. The volume concludes with a more extensive glossary and an...
Semonche provides a wealth of information on news libraries and the managerial concerns of news librarians. The volume is organized in several broa...
This professional reference for academic librarians provides detailed guidance for the strategic management of academic libraries. While strategic planning is important, this volume recognizes that even the best plans must confront the reality of implementation of services and facilities within the library on a daily basis. This book offers solutions to immediate operational problems within the academic library and treats strategic planning as but one component of overall strategic management. The first part of the work overviews definitions and discusses the issues and objectives central...
This professional reference for academic librarians provides detailed guidance for the strategic management of academic libraries. While strategic ...
This guide focuses on the implementation and management of second-generation automated library systems. It advances knowledge of the field by describing the migration path of library automated systems. Specifically, the book is intended to give practical directions in procuring a replacement library automated system. As such, the text reviews new approaches to library automation which rely on knowledge gained over the past two decades. In charting the procurement process, the book indicates how to migrate the library's database. It discusses state-of-the-art technology such as scanning and...
This guide focuses on the implementation and management of second-generation automated library systems. It advances knowledge of the field by descr...
Most librarians are unaware of the laws governing the retention of library records. In addition, librarians often assume that state confidentiality laws offer more protection than they, in fact, do. The proper management of library records is an important legal issue for all librarians. This professional reference work outlines laws regarding the retention and confidentiality of library records. Part I explains why some library records should be saved and not routinely discarded. It also explains why public record retention laws apply to library records, and it then examines the variety of...
Most librarians are unaware of the laws governing the retention of library records. In addition, librarians often assume that state confidentiality...
Because libraries are costly to build, the location of new library facilities, as well as closures or mergers of existing ones, must be carefully analyzed. Numerous factors must be taken into account, including community demographics and information needs, the closeness of the proposed library site to prospective users, the presence and proximity of other library facilities, the elasticity of user demand, and the accessibility of the location. This professional reference provides a complete discussion of library facility siting and relocation issues, discusses marketing concepts of...
Because libraries are costly to build, the location of new library facilities, as well as closures or mergers of existing ones, must be carefully a...
Public libraries must function in a time of limited funding, increasing technology, and shifting demographics and client needs. To fulfill their role, libraries must manage change through effective planning. This book analyzes case studies of planning at several representative libraries, illustrating how formal planning procedures are adapted to changing circumstances. The study is based primarily on interviews with staff members at each site, drawing wherever possible on their own words and on related documents and surveys.
The heart of the book is a set of narrative descriptions of...
Public libraries must function in a time of limited funding, increasing technology, and shifting demographics and client needs. To fulfill their ro...
No other book available covers the topic of videocassette acquisitions so completely. This professional reference gives special attention to problems unique to cataloging videocassettes within the electronic, on-line cataloging environment. The text provides ample theoretical discussion, along with practical examples of a variety of solutions.
Video acquisitions is one the most difficult tasks confronting any library today. Knowing and deciding what to buy and from whom, keeping track of orders, verifying titles, returning damaged and incorrectly shipped products, dealing with company...
No other book available covers the topic of videocassette acquisitions so completely. This professional reference gives special attention to proble...
The National Information Infrastructure will bring information to the doorstep of every household. Librarianship must respond to this development through the National Electronic Library. Librarianship as a profession must set the information agenda if it is to be a viable and influential entity in the electronic environment. Traditional library services are being redefined by technology, and the concept of the National Electronic Library must combine the roles of the academic institution, public enterprise, and library education. This professional reference is a guide to assist librarians...
The National Information Infrastructure will bring information to the doorstep of every household. Librarianship must respond to this development t...
Business information is in strong demand by a wide range of library patrons. Academic librarians must meet the needs of undergraduates, graduates, and faculty who require information about businesses for their coursework and research; school librarians must deal with sophisticated financial questions from students in a variety of classes; public librarians must provide investors and job seekers with information about financial trends, prospective employers, and particular industries; and special librarians must provide their users with immediate and current data about clients, competitors,...
Business information is in strong demand by a wide range of library patrons. Academic librarians must meet the needs of undergraduates, graduates, ...