Each story presents a snapshot of a personal and historical turning point in the life of the narrator, beginning with childhood anti-Semitism and moving to a youthful embrace-and then an ultimate rejection-of Nazi ideology.
Each story presents a snapshot of a personal and historical turning point in the life of the narrator, beginning with childhood anti-Semitism and movi...
The Flying Mountain tells the story of two brothers who leave the southwest coast of Ireland on an expedition to Transhimalaya, the land of Kham, and the mountains of eastern Tibet-looking for an untamed, unnamed mountain that represents perhaps the last blank spot on the map.
The Flying Mountain tells the story of two brothers who leave the southwest coast of Ireland on an expedition to Transhimalaya, the land of Kham, and ...
Fire Doesn't Burn is a dark recasting of the delicate reunification of East and West as a chronicle of erotic desire and an extraordinary rediscovery of emotion and place
Fire Doesn't Burn is a dark recasting of the delicate reunification of East and West as a chronicle of erotic desire and an extraordinary rediscovery ...