Unlike guides that take a simple geographic-chronological approach to listing historical fiction, this book takes a genre approach, with chapters devoted to historical romances, mysteries, adventures, etc. By grouping titles by subgenre and theme, and describing their features and plots, it guides users to similar titles and read-alikes. Focusing on English-language novels published since the mid '90s, plus the perennial favorites commonly available in libraries, it details 3,800 books set in times prior to the mid-20th century. Appendices contain lists of award-winning titles and targeted...
Unlike guides that take a simple geographic-chronological approach to listing historical fiction, this book takes a genre approach, with chapters d...
Rediscover the classics--and help readers do the same "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a rip-roaring adventure. "Pride and Prejudice" is an endearing romance. Howard Fast's "April Morning" is fascinating historical fiction and a moving war story. The list goes on. The trick is to find the right book for the reader. Frolund's guide can help. By identifying the genre characteristics of more than 400 classic fiction works, and organizing titles according to those features, it helps readers find the types of books they enjoy; and it helps you promote classics to teen (and adult ) readers....
Rediscover the classics--and help readers do the same "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a rip-roaring adventure. "Pride and Prejudice" is an endearin...
Nine of the best-selling books of all time are nonfiction, and countless readers turn to nonfiction when reading for pleasure today. Yet little has been done to classify nonfiction titles according to reading tastes. This is especially true in the library, where subject arrangements geared to information-seeking and scholarly research ignore the important characteristics and appeal features that readers seek out when reading for pleasure. It's no surprise, then, that in recent years, nonfiction readers' advisory has become one of the hottest topics with readers' advisors. This...
Nine of the best-selling books of all time are nonfiction, and countless readers turn to nonfiction when reading for pleasure today. Yet little has...
Here is a long-overdue genre guide to a previously ignored body of literature. The book aims to provide the reader and readers' advisor with an introduction to 20th-century gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered literature. All popular genres of literature are examined, including fiction, drama, and life stories (biography, autobiography, and memoirs), with the main emphasis on current fiction. More than 1,100 titles are organized according to genres, subgenres, and formats. Annotations provide brief, engaging plot summaries, information about awards, indication of which populations are...
Here is a long-overdue genre guide to a previously ignored body of literature. The book aims to provide the reader and readers' advisor with an int...
It's real, it's radical, and it rocks Nonfiction has become the preferred genre for many teen readers, both male and female. This guide identifies some of the most popular nonfiction for today's teens, and organizes it into specific genres and reading interests that teens enjoy--from true adventure, sports and life stories, to do-it-yourself. More than 500 titles are described, with notes on classics, award winners, reading levels, read-alikes, and titles that especially appeal to boys and to reluctant readers, or are appropriate for book groups. This is an essential readers' advisory...
It's real, it's radical, and it rocks Nonfiction has become the preferred genre for many teen readers, both male and female. This guide identifies...
Hundreds of new horror titles are described and organized according to reading preferences in this new volume of Fonseca and Pulliam's award-winning readers' advisory guide. Focusing on titles published in the last decade, along with a few older classics, the authors cover more than a dozen popular subgenres of horror fiction, including vampires and werewolves, techno-horror, ghosts and haunted houses, and small town horror. Lively annotations and commentary help you find the right book for your most demanding horror fans. More than 500 annotations are new to this edition.
Hundreds of...
Hundreds of new horror titles are described and organized according to reading preferences in this new volume of Fonseca and Pulliam's award-winnin...
Historical fiction has surged in popularity in recent years, with new subgenres emerging (e.g. Viking romance, religious thrillers) and reader interest showing no signs of slowing down. This follow-up to Johnson's critically acclaimed guide published in 2005 covers new territory by focusing on English-language historical novels for adults published between mid-2004 and mid-2008, in particular those commonly found in American public library collections. The author's unique approach involves classifying titles by subgenres, rather than strictly by geography and chronology; thereby grouping...
Historical fiction has surged in popularity in recent years, with new subgenres emerging (e.g. Viking romance, religious thrillers) and reader inte...
It's no secret that the fantasy genre has undergone a tremendous renaissance since the publication of the Harry Potter books and the recent successes of the film versions of "The Lord of the Rings." Fantasy is one of the hottest genres going today, appealing to readers both young and old. This new guide focuses on titles that have come out of the recent publishing explosion in the fantasy arena. The authors organize and describe approximately 2,000 titles, most new to or newly described in this edition. A revised organization reflects the growth and trends in the genre, and all titles...
It's no secret that the fantasy genre has undergone a tremendous renaissance since the publication of the Harry Potter books and the recent success...
Welcome to the dark side of the crime genre, where creeps and psychopaths dominate and the good guys don't always win. Award winning librarian Gary Warren Niebuhr organizes and describes more than 600 crime titles according to popular reading tastes. He adopts the premise that, as in mystery, character is the defining appeal characteristic of these books, but the characters are of a different sort.
Books are arranged in three broad categories--"professional criminals," "caught up in crime," and "criminal detectives." Within these chapters, titles are organized in sections on the mob,...
Welcome to the dark side of the crime genre, where creeps and psychopaths dominate and the good guys don't always win. Award winning librarian Gary...
Latinos comprise the fastest-growing population in the U.S., and that means more Latino readers at the library. In addition, works written by Latinos, whether written in or translated into English, have become a vibrant and growing body of literature that is of great interest to all readers as well as literary scholars. Yet, there are few tools to guide readers and the professionals who work with them through this expanding terrain.
The primary purpose of this guide is to help readers and those who advise them find enjoyable leisure reading material. Focusing on popular works by Latino...
Latinos comprise the fastest-growing population in the U.S., and that means more Latino readers at the library. In addition, works written by Latin...