How can the public health system best be organised in the future and which factors are the main determinants thereof? These are key questions in the scenario report The Future of PublicHealth: a Scenario Study. The report is the result of a study commissioned by the Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios and carried out by a research team of the TNO Institute of Preventive Health Care and the STG Scenario Committee on the Future of Public Health. The report focuses on activities in collective prevention of diseases, generally known as primary prevention. ...
How can the public health system best be organised in the future and which factors are the main determinants thereof? These are key questions in...
As noted in the Foreword, this report is one of several volumes resulting from this study of future health care technology. The purpose of the study, as formulated by the STG, was to analyze future health care technology. Part of the task was to develop an 'early warning system' for health care technology. The primary goal of the project was to develop a list or description of a number of possible and probable future health care technologies, as well as information on their importance. Within the limits of time and money, this has been done. However, given the vast number of possible future...
As noted in the Foreword, this report is one of several volumes resulting from this study of future health care technology. The purpose of the study, ...
This report, Anticipating and Assessing Health Care Technology, is the first report from the STG Commission on Future Health Care Technology. The STG (Stuurgroep Toekomstscenario's Gezondheidzorg) was established in 1983 as an independent advisory group to the State Secretary for Welfare, Public Health, and Cultural Affairs (WVC) to assist in long-range health planning efforts. Thus far, STG commissions have examined cardiovascular disease, cancer, aging, and life styles as issues of importance to the health of the Dutch population in the future. Obviously, health care technology is of great...
This report, Anticipating and Assessing Health Care Technology, is the first report from the STG Commission on Future Health Care Technology. The STG ...
This publication represents the report of the Scenario Committee on Ageing. The draft report was discussed with a wide range of experts, inter alia during the symposium 'Growing Old in the Future' held on October 27th, 1984. In addition to the scenario report, a background report containing the basic analysis employed in the scenarios on ageing has been prepared. The scenario report has been written in such a way that it can be read independently of the background study. Scenarios are a relatively new phenomenon in health care and related policy. For this reason it might be useful to furnish...
This publication represents the report of the Scenario Committee on Ageing. The draft report was discussed with a wide range of experts, inter alia du...
9. 1 311 9. 2 The results in the four areas 313 9. 3 Likely causes of the growing demand for services 314 9. 4 The dominant perception of mental health problems 315 95 A shifting balance 317 9. 6 Mental health problems as a policy issue 319 311) 9. 7 Culture-dependence as an approach 9. 8 Culture-dependence and the four tbemes 322 9. 9 The value of a socia-cultural approach 323 9. 10 Two core notions: normality and identity 325 9. 11 Conclusions and policy options 328 Bibliography 333 Appendix Basic ssumptions in the exploratory and target-seuing sccnanos 368 v Preface This study of mental...
9. 1 311 9. 2 The results in the four areas 313 9. 3 Likely causes of the growing demand for services 314 9. 4 The dominant perception of mental healt...
In March 1983 the Secretary of State for Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs appointed the Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios (STG). The task of the STG is to advise the Minister on the future of public health and health care in the long term in the Netherlands with a view to increasing the anticipatory capacity of government policy. Since 1983 the STG has set up a number of committees, including the Scenario Committee on AIDS, with a view to mapping out possible scenarios in their particular field of interest. The committees report in the form of scenario reports, which are of...
In March 1983 the Secretary of State for Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs appointed the Steering Committee on Future Health Scenarios (STG). The t...
CARE AT HOME -HOME CARE Health care in the Netherlands looks to be a well structured system. Supplementing the vital level of self-care and informal care are four levels of professional care: the public health service (known in the Netherlands as basic health care) is mainly concerned with preventive work aimed at the population at large; individuals with problems can contact their general practitioner or other primary care provider, who can -depending on the problem -refer them to specialists in the cure-oriented and hospital-centred secondary sector; where necessary, patients can then be...
CARE AT HOME -HOME CARE Health care in the Netherlands looks to be a well structured system. Supplementing the vital level of self-care and informal c...
As noted in the Foreword, this report is one of several volumes resulting from this study of future health care technology. The purpose of the study, as formulated by the STG, was to analyze future health care technology. Part of the task was to develop an 'early warning system' for health care technology. The primary goal of the project was to develop a list or description of a number of possible and probable future health care technologies, as well as information on their importance. Within the limits of time and money, this has been done. However, given the vast number of possible future...
As noted in the Foreword, this report is one of several volumes resulting from this study of future health care technology. The purpose of the study, ...
As noted in the Foreword, this report is one of several volumes resulting from this study of future health care technology. The purpose of the study, as formulated by the STG, was to analyze future health care technology. Part of the task was to develop an 'early warning system' for health care technology. The primary goal of the project was to develop a list or description of a number of possible and probable future health care technologies, as well as information on their importance. Within the limits of time and money, this has been done. However, given the vast number of possible future...
As noted in the Foreword, this report is one of several volumes resulting from this study of future health care technology. The purpose of the study, ...