What are the political implications of an Arab feminist writing practice? How do the works of Assia Djebar, Algeria's internationally acclaimed francophone writer, relate to the priorities and perspectives of both Western and Arab feminist politics? Does Djebar succeed in her aim of reclaiming the history of her homeland, and of her religion, Islam, for women? Or in reclaiming the sexuality of Arab women? In Assia Djebar: In Dialogue with Feminisms, Priscilla Ringrose uncovers the mechanisms of Djebar's revisionary feminism and examines the echoes and dissonances between what Djebar terms her...
What are the political implications of an Arab feminist writing practice? How do the works of Assia Djebar, Algeria's internationally acclaimed franco...
Manifestes et programmes litteraires aux Caraibes francophones etudie les textes manifestaires et programmatiques publies aux Caraibes francophones durant le XXe siecle. Il fait apparaitre les enjeux esthetiques et ideologiques qui sous-tendent les debats litteraires en Haiti et aux Antilles francaises. Il montre egalement l'evolution de ces manifestes au gre des mutations socio-politiques et intellectuelles de cette periode. De la generation de La Ronde a la litterature-monde, en passant par, entre autres, l'indigenisme, la negritude, le realisme merveilleux et la creolite,...
Manifestes et programmes litteraires aux Caraibes francophones etudie les textes manifestaires et programmatiques publies aux Caraibes francoph...
Racines et deracinements au grand ecran examine les representations de la migration dans le cinema francais contemporain. L'heritage du passe colonial francais, la decolonisation et les vagues d'immigration vers l'Hexagone continuent de jouer un role majeur dans la societe francaise d'aujourd'hui. Les debats lies a l' identite nationale et a l'insecurite, la banalisation du programme du Front National, les reconduites a la frontiere de Roms ou la crise des migrants en Mediterranee font que la question migratoire est une preoccupation pour la societe et la scene politique francaise....
Racines et deracinements au grand ecran examine les representations de la migration dans le cinema francais contemporain. L'heritage du passe c...
This volume seeks to revisit the Franco-Maghrebian representations of masculinity in the line of the New Men's Studies examining the aesthetical expressions as well as their interconnectedness with the sociocultural realities. In order to emphasize the arts' role to rethink the codes of masculinity related to social, national and cultural identities, it assembles the work of experts from different research fields as Maghrebian Studies, Gender and Queer Studies, Popular culture, Cinema and Media Studies, sociology and anthropology. Their contributions unveil the processes of formation,...
This volume seeks to revisit the Franco-Maghrebian representations of masculinity in the line of the New Men's Studies examining the aesthetical expre...
Liban. Memoires fragmentees d une guerre obsedante examine les uvres d artistes, d ecrivains et de cineastes francophones qui tentent d initier un travail d anamnese de la guerre - civile - qui a ravage le Liban entre 1975 et 1990. Calarge postule que la production culturelle des annees 2000-2015 tente de combler le vide genere par l absence d un recit national qui raconte l histoire contemporaine du pays. L ouvrage explore des questionnements en rapport avec la necessite de l anamnese mais aussi de ses limites dans une situation marquee a la fois par des traumatismes collectifs, par...
Liban. Memoires fragmentees d une guerre obsedante examine les uvres d artistes, d ecrivains et de cineastes francophones qui tentent d initier...
The essays in Cixous after/depuis 2000, edited by Hall, Chevillot, Hoft-March, and Peñalver Vicea, focus on Hélène Cixous’s work of the 21st-century, exploring her treatment of mourning, suffering and death in the wake of events that mark her life from 2000-2015. Les essais réunis dans Cixous après/depuis 2000, sous la direction de Hall, Chevillot, Hoft-March et Peñalver Vicea, considèrent les textes d’Hélène Cixous publiés au 21e siècle ; ils explorent également les questionnements de l’écrivaine sur le deuil, la souffrance et la mort dans le sillage des événements qui...
The essays in Cixous after/depuis 2000, edited by Hall, Chevillot, Hoft-March, and Peñalver Vicea, focus on Hélène Cixous’s work of the 21st-cent...
In Franco-Maghrebi Artists of the 2000s: Transnational Narratives and Identities Ramona Mielusel offers an account of the way how young artists (writers, filmmakers, actors, singers, photographers, contemporary migrant artists) of Maghrebi origin residing in France during the last twenty years (2000-2016) contest French “national identity” in their work. Mielusel's interest lies in analyzing the impact that these “minor” artists and their chosen genres have on mainstream cultural productions. She argues that constant displacement and changes in political, social and cultural contexts...
In Franco-Maghrebi Artists of the 2000s: Transnational Narratives and Identities Ramona Mielusel offers an account of the way how young artists (writ...
In Le Queer Impérial Julin Everett explores the taboo subject of male homoerotic desire between black Africans and white Europeans in francophone colonial and postcolonial literatures. Everett exposes the intersection of power and desire in blanc-noir relationships in colonial and postcolonial black Africa and postimperial Europe. Reading these literatures for their portrayals of race, gender and sexuality, Everett begins a conversation about personal and political violence in the face of forbidden desires.
In Le Queer Impérial Julin Everett explores the taboo subject of male homoerotic desire between black Africans and white Europeans in francophone col...
This volume examines the culture of Canadian Jews, with particular attention to their European roots. The essays address Yiddish literature, writings of authors working in French and English, as well as contemporary Jewish life. Cet ouvrage collectif examine la culture des juifs canadiens, originaires de l'Europe de l'Est. Les essais portent sur la littérature yiddish, l'écriture des juifs de langue française et anglaise ainsi que la vie juive contemporaine au Canada.
This volume examines the culture of Canadian Jews, with particular attention to their European roots. The essays address Yiddish literature, writings ...