The study of language has increasingly become an area of interdisciplinary interest. Not only is it studied by speech specialists and linguists, but by psychologists and neuroscientists as well, particularly in understanding how the brain processes meaning. This book is a comprehensive look at sentence processing as it pertains to the brain, with contributions from individuals in a wide array of backgrounds, covering everything from language acquisition to lexical and syntactic processing, speech pathology, memory, neuropsychology, and brain imaging.
The study of language has increasingly become an area of interdisciplinary interest. Not only is it studied by speech specialists and linguists, but b...
DAVID W. ELLIS AND ANNE-LISE CHRISTENSEN 1 A BRIEF OVERVIEW In the past, most people who sustained catastrophic brain injury died. However, over the past several decades, sophisticated medical diagnostic techniques such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), along with advances in emergency trauma procedures and neurosurgical pro cedures (e. g., intracranial pressure monitoring), have dramatically increased the survival rates for people who have survived such trauma. At the same time, because of population growth, the number of victims of brain trauma (primarily...
DAVID W. ELLIS AND ANNE-LISE CHRISTENSEN 1 A BRIEF OVERVIEW In the past, most people who sustained catastrophic brain injury died. However, over the p...
The papers collected in this volume are those presented at the fifteenth Colloquium arranged by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Financieres (SUERF), which took place in Nice in October 1989. The Society is supported by a large number of central banks and commercial banks, by other financial and business institutions and by personal subs criptions from academics and others interested in monetary and financial problems. Since its establishment in 1963, it has developed as a forum for the exchange of information, r esearch results and ideas among academics and practitioners in...
The papers collected in this volume are those presented at the fifteenth Colloquium arranged by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Fin...
Data archiving has, for many years, been the most disregarded aspect of all data systems. The increase in numbers of telescopes, both groundbased and space-borne, and the increase in efficiency of detectors have generated overwhelming amounts of data. Much of these data were and are not used on short timescales and (should) have been archived, where they can be used later and/or by others. Archiving is essential. Objects can change in the course of time. New technological or scientific developments might require observing objects again. The cost-benefit ratio will become more and more...
Data archiving has, for many years, been the most disregarded aspect of all data systems. The increase in numbers of telescopes, both groundbased and ...
This book reviews putative neurological and neuropsychological factors in aggressive behavior. Discussions focus on explanatory models, brain sites, and cognitive functions that appear to be associated with aggressive behavior. Attention is given to measurement and design problems that are frequently encountered in the study of aggression. Further, it is emphasized that any relationship between neuropsychological factors and aggressive behavior will be complex. Neuropsychological factors must be considered in the context of mediating and moderating (precipitating and buffering) variables from...
This book reviews putative neurological and neuropsychological factors in aggressive behavior. Discussions focus on explanatory models, brain sites, a...
For a period of some fifteen years following completion of my internship training in clinical psychology (1950-1951) at the Washington University School of Medicine and my concurrent successful navigation through that school's neuroanatomy course, clinical work in neuropsychology for me and the psychologists of my generation consisted almost exclusively of trying to help our physician colleagues differentiate patients with neurologic from those with psychiatric disorders. In time, experience led all of us from the several disciplines involved in this enterprise to the conclusion that the...
For a period of some fifteen years following completion of my internship training in clinical psychology (1950-1951) at the Washington University Scho...
For a period of some fifteen years following completion of my internship training in clinical psychology (1950-1951) at the Washington University School of Medicine and my concurrent successful navigation through that school's neuroanatomy course, clinical work in neuropsychology for me and the psychologists of my generation consisted almost exclusively of our trying to help our physician colleagues differentiate patients with neurologic disorders from those with psychiatric disorders. In time, experience led all of us from the several disciplines involved in this enterprise to the conclusion...
For a period of some fifteen years following completion of my internship training in clinical psychology (1950-1951) at the Washington University Scho...
DAVID W. ELLIS AND ANNE-LISE CHRISTENSEN 1 A BRIEF OVERVIEW In the past, most people who sustained catastrophic brain injury died. However, over the past several decades, sophisticated medical diagnostic techniques such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), along with advances in emergency trauma procedures and neurosurgical pro cedures (e. g., intracranial pressure monitoring), have dramatically increased the survival rates for people who have survived such trauma. At the same time, because of population growth, the number of victims of brain trauma (primarily...
DAVID W. ELLIS AND ANNE-LISE CHRISTENSEN 1 A BRIEF OVERVIEW In the past, most people who sustained catastrophic brain injury died. However, over the p...