The presentment should be as simple as possible, but not a bit simpler. Albert Einstein Introduction The power of the variational approach in mechanics of solids and structures follows from its versatility: the approach is used both as a universal tool for describing physical relationships and as a basis for qualitative methods of analysis 1]. And there is yet another important advantage inherent in the variational approach the latter is a crystal clear, pure and unsophisticated source of ideas that help build and establish numerical techniques for mechanics. This circumstance was realized...
The presentment should be as simple as possible, but not a bit simpler. Albert Einstein Introduction The power of the variational approach in mechanic...
This book develops methods to simulate and analyze the time-dependent changes of stress and strain states in engineering structures up to the critical stage of creep rupture. The objective of this book is to review some of the classical and recently proposed approaches to the modeling of creep for structural analysis applications. It also aims to extend the collection of available solutions of creep problems by new, more sophisticated examples.
This book develops methods to simulate and analyze the time-dependent changes of stress and strain states in engineering structures up to the criti...
Investigation of vortex wakes behind various aircraft, especially behind wide bodied and heavy cargo ones, is of both scientific and practical in terest. The vortex wakes shed from the wing s trailing edge are long lived and attenuate only atdistances of10 12kmbehindthe wake generating aircraft. The encounter of other aircraft with the vortex wake of a heavy aircraft is open to catastrophic hazards. For example, air refueling is adangerous operationpartly due to thepossibility of the receiver aircraft s encountering the trailing wake of the tanker aircraft. It is very important to know the...
Investigation of vortex wakes behind various aircraft, especially behind wide bodied and heavy cargo ones, is of both scientific and practical in tere...
In this book, regular structures are de ned as periodic structures consisting of repeated elements (translational symmetry) as well as structures with a geom- ric symmetry. Regular structures have for a long time been attracting the attention of scientists by the extraordinary beauty of their forms. They have been studied in many areas of science: chemistry, physics, biology, etc. Systems with geometric symmetry are used widely in many areas of engineering. The various kinds of bases under machines, cyclically repeated forms of stators, reduction gears, rotors with blades mounted on them,...
In this book, regular structures are de ned as periodic structures consisting of repeated elements (translational symmetry) as well as structures with...
The main goal of the book is a coherent treatment of the theory of propagation in materials of nonlinearly elastic waves of displacements, which corresponds to one modern line of development of the nonlinear theory of elastic waves. The book is divided on five basic parts: the necessary information on waves and materials; the necessary information on nonlinear theory of elasticity and elastic materials; analysis of one-dimensional nonlinear elastic waves of displacement - longitudinal, vertically and horizontally polarized transverse plane nonlinear elastic waves of displacement;...
The main goal of the book is a coherent treatment of the theory of propagation in materials of nonlinearly elastic waves of displacements, which co...
This book describes significant tractable models used in solid mechanics - classical models used in modern mechanics as well as new ones. The models are selected to illustrate the main ideas which allow scientists to describe complicated effects in a simple manner and to clarify basic notations of solid mechanics. A model is considered to be tractable if it is based on clear physical assumptions which allow the selection of significant effects and relatively simple mathematical formulations. The first part of the book briefly reviews classical tractable models for a simple description of...
This book describes significant tractable models used in solid mechanics - classical models used in modern mechanics as well as new ones. The models a...
Computational mechanics, as a science employed for the numerical model ing of processes in nature and engineering, has over the last few decades developed two strands. The first concerns the putting of more and more powerful software packages into computational practice, using increas ingly high-performance computers with increasingly large memory. The traditional finite element and finite difference approaches are still preva lent. Over the years however, researchers have met with new problems; their solutions on the basis of traditional methods are at best difficult and at worst impossible...
Computational mechanics, as a science employed for the numerical model ing of processes in nature and engineering, has over the last few decades devel...
This book presents a rational scheme of analysis for the periodic and quasi-periodic solution of a broad class of problems within technical and celestial mechanics. It develops steps for the determination of sufficiently general averaged equations of motion, which have a clear physical interpretation and are valid for a broad class of weak-interaction problems in mechanics. The criteria of stability regarding stationary solutions of these equations are derived explicitly and correspond to the extremum of a special "potential" function. Much consideration is given to applications in...
This book presents a rational scheme of analysis for the periodic and quasi-periodic solution of a broad class of problems within technical and celest...
The monograph text is based on lectures delivered by author during many years for students of Applied Iechanics Department of Bauman Ioscow State Technical University. The monograph includes also analitical results of scientific research obtained in collaboration with industry. Progress in developing new equipment has called for a better understand ing of the physical peculiarities pertaining to the action of designed structures in real conditions. This is necessary for increasing the accuracy of the analysis and making these structures more reliable. It has been found that classical...
The monograph text is based on lectures delivered by author during many years for students of Applied Iechanics Department of Bauman Ioscow State Tech...
This book has come into being as a result ofthe author's lectures on mathematical modelling rendered to the students, BS and MS degree holders specializing in applied mathematics and computer science and to post-graduate students in exact sciences of the Nizhny Novgorod State University after N.!. Lobatchevsky. These lectures are adapted and presented as a single whole ab out mathematical models and modelling. This new course of lectures appeared because the contemporary Russian educational system in applied mathematics rested upon a combination of fundamental and applied mathematics...
This book has come into being as a result ofthe author's lectures on mathematical modelling rendered to the students, BS and MS degree holders special...