This book is designed to provide the theoretical, but most of all, the practical bases needed for the achievement of atmospheric composition analyses from infrared remote sensing.
This book is designed to provide the theoretical, but most of all, the practical bases needed for the achievement of atmospheric composition analyses ...
Discourse analysis and rhetoric are very much developed in communication, linguistics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Besides theoretical investigations, discourse analysis is central in a number of application areas such as dialogue and negotiation, the semantic web, question answering or authoring systems. Music is also a natural language, more abstract and mathematical, which follows very strict construction principles. However, there is very limited and no recent literature on Music Discourse analysis using computational principles. This book aims at developing a central...
Discourse analysis and rhetoric are very much developed in communication, linguistics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Besides theoreti...
This title concerns the use of a particle filter framework to track objects defined in high-dimensional state-spaces using high-dimensional observation spaces. Current tracking applications require us to consider complex models for objects (articulated objects, multiple objects, multiple fragments, etc.) as well as multiple kinds of information (multiple cameras, multiple modalities, etc.). This book presents some recent research that considers the main bottleneck of particle filtering frameworks (high dimensional state spaces) for tracking in such difficult conditions.
This title concerns the use of a particle filter framework to track objects defined in high-dimensional state-spaces using high-dimensional observatio...
Focus: la nouvelle collection A tout-en-un A pour s'exercer en franAais
Pour travailler en autonomie ou en classe, cet ouvrage de comprA(c)hension orale centrA(c) sur l'A(c)tudiant propose:
250 activitA(c)sA A(c)laborA(c)es A partir de situations concrA]tes de la vie quotidienne regroupA(c)es en 6 chapitres rA(c)partis en fonction de leur caractA(c)ristique orale: avec ou sans interaction, en face A face ou A travers un support (haut-parleur, tA(c)lA(c)phone)
un CD avecA plus de 100 documents audio MP3
un livret deA...
Focus: la nouvelle collection A tout-en-un A pour s'exercer en franAais
Pour travailler en autonomie ou en classe, cet ouvrage de comprA(c...