The Wandering Fire is the second novel of Guy Gavriel Kay's critically acclaimed fantasy trilogy, The Fionavar Tapestry. A mage's power has brought five university students from our world into a realm where an ancient evil has freed itself from captivity to wreak revenge on its enemies...
The ice of eternal winter has reached out to enshroud Fionavar, the first of all worlds. For the Unraveller has broken free after millennia enchained--and now his terrible vengeance has begun to take its toll on mortals and immortals, mages and warriors, dwarves and the lios alfar, the...
The Wandering Fire is the second novel of Guy Gavriel Kay's critically acclaimed fantasy trilogy, The Fionavar Tapestry. A mage's power ...
In the conclusion of Guy Gavriel Kay's critically acclaimed fantasy trilogy, The Fionavar Tapestry, five university students from our world prepare to sacrifice themselves--as they enter into final battle against a power of unimaginable proportions...
In the conclusion of Guy Gavriel Kay's critically acclaimed fantasy trilogy, The Fionavar Tapestry, five university students from our world pre...