Small business research is becoming more sophisticated as an increasing number of scholars study more complex analytical issues. In many cases research pertaining to the small firm is part of the incomplete and inefficient markets controversy in the finance literature. Because of their size and traditional organizational form, small firms often find it extremely difficult to attract significant resources in sophisticated financial markets. These markets appear to be segmented and incomplete; whether or not the markets are efficient is subject to much debate. Adyances in Small Business Finance...
Small business research is becoming more sophisticated as an increasing number of scholars study more complex analytical issues. In many cases researc...
This is the last of three major volumes which present a comprehensive treatment of the theory of the main classes of special functions from the point of view of the theory of group representations. This volume deals with q-analogs of special functions, quantum groups and algebras (including Hopf algebras), and (representations of) semi-simple Lie groups. Also treated are special functions of a matrix argument, representations in the Gel'fand-Tsetlin basis, and, finally, modular forms, theta-functions and affine Lie algebras. The volume builds upon results of the previous two...
This is the last of three major volumes which present a comprehensive treatment of the theory of the main classes of special functions from the point ...
The Third International Symposium on Lipid Metabolism in the Normoxic and Ischemic Heart was held in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in 1991. The topics of this meetings focused on: modulation of myocardial lipid metabolism; biological membranes: structure, function and turnover; pharmacological modification of myocardial fatty acid oxidation; and myocardial vascular endothelium: contribution to myocardial lipid homeostasis.
The Third International Symposium on Lipid Metabolism in the Normoxic and Ischemic Heart was held in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in 1991. The topics of th...
Coping with Financial Fragility and Systemic Risk identifies and discusses the sources of perceived fragility in financial institutions and markets and its potential consequences throughout the economy. It then examines private sector solutions for dealing with systemic risk and mitigating the consequences. Finally, the book examines regulatory solutions to these problems.
Coping with Financial Fragility and Systemic Risk identifies and discusses the sources of perceived fragility in financial institutions and m...
The papers collected in this volume are those presented at the eighteenth Colloquium arranged by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Financieres (SUERF), which took place in Dublin in May 1994. The Society is supported by a large number of central banks and com mercial banks, by other financial and business institutions and by personal subscriptions from academics and others interested in monetary and financial problems. Since its establishment in 1963, it has developed as a forum for the exchange of information, research results and ideas among academics and practitioners in...
The papers collected in this volume are those presented at the eighteenth Colloquium arranged by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Fi...
Monetary Policy in a Converging Europe covers the most important monetary issues in the transition towards an Economic and Monetary Union in Europe, containing contributions from renowned experts in relevant research and policy areas. Among other things, the contributions discuss the scope for inflation targeting, monetary interdependencies within the core' ERM countries, money demand within the European Union, the difference between the monetary transmission mechanisms in the various European countries, and the preferred exchange rate policy in Stage Two of EMU. The book provides an...
Monetary Policy in a Converging Europe covers the most important monetary issues in the transition towards an Economic and Monetary Union in ...
Small business research is becoming more sophisticated as an increasing number of scholars study more complex analytical issues. In many cases research pertaining to the small firm is part of the incomplete and inefficient markets controversy in the finance literature. Because of their size and traditional organizational form, small firms often find it extremely difficult to attract significant resources in sophisticated financial markets. These markets appear to be segmented and incomplete; whether or not the markets are efficient is subject to much debate. Adyances in Small Business Finance...
Small business research is becoming more sophisticated as an increasing number of scholars study more complex analytical issues. In many cases researc...
Former students of Dr H. J. Witteveen and many of those who collaborated with him in the past decades have decided a while ago that his great scientific and social merits are ample reason for presenting him with a Liber Amicorum. The fortieth anniversary of his appointment as professor at the Netherlands School of Economics in Rotterdam in the Spring of 1988 seemed a suitable time for presentation. For this purpose a committee was formed consisting of the members listed below. The last three of these also act as editorial committee of this anniversary volume. The topic the editorial committee...
Former students of Dr H. J. Witteveen and many of those who collaborated with him in the past decades have decided a while ago that his great scientif...
As a result of the financial crisis, the weaknesses of the Eurozone, including the public debt crisis, materialized in severe depressions in certain of its country members. In this monograph, the author analyzes structural weaknesses of the Eurozone and argues that they can be traced to (i) institutional differences, (ii) differences in the economic structures, (iii) the fundamental inability of European Bureaucracy to deal with crises, and (iv) the extreme rigidity of markets which prevents a general equilibrium in product and credit markets. He concludes that whether the Eurozone is...
As a result of the financial crisis, the weaknesses of the Eurozone, including the public debt crisis, materialized in severe depressions in certain o...
The member states are facing the choice between either reaping the benefits of increasing integration in a certain area - in this case the capital markets - attended by a significant reduction in national powers of autonomous decision-making and independence, or retaining this national independence enabling them to pursue their own policy objectives with the aid of instruments selected at their discretion. To this question, there is no generally valid answer. The solution is determined by the weight assigned to the benefits, on the one hand, and that assigned to the reduction in national...
The member states are facing the choice between either reaping the benefits of increasing integration in a certain area - in this case the capital mar...