Cancer chemotherapy frequently attacks the gastrointestinal tract. Many of the possible side-effects reduce the patient's quality of life, may limit acceptance of further drug administration, and even life-threateningcomplications must be considered. This book is the proceedings of the Falk Workshop 'Side-effects of Chemotherapy on the Gastrointestinal Tract: Pathogenesis and Therapy', held in Freiburg, Germany, on October 11, 2002 (PartIV of the Freiburg Gastroenterology Week). Chapters by pathologists, pharmacologists, oncologists and gastroenterologists will improve our understanding of...
Cancer chemotherapy frequently attacks the gastrointestinal tract. Many of the possible side-effects reduce the patient's quality of life, may limit a...
This book is the proceedings of the Falk Symposium No. 135 held in Prague, Czech Republic, on September 12-13, 2003, and is dedicated to the important issue of immunological aspects of diseases of the liver andgut. Without any doubt, immunological pathways are among the most important and universal factors in the pathogenesis of all diseases. Their importance is also constantly increasing, because these principles have beenadopted in clinical practice for both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Chapters by prominent experts will stimulate new ideas and set the scene for productive...
This book is the proceedings of the Falk Symposium No. 135 held in Prague, Czech Republic, on September 12-13, 2003, and is dedicated to the important...
Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases represent an important medical problem, since they have a devastating impact on the quality of life and require longstanding medical care. Many medical disciplines are involved in tackling the immensely complex studies on pathogenesis, clinical expression and treatment possibilities. This book, the proceedings of the Falk Symposium 105 on Innovative Concepts in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases', held in Rostock, Germany, on April 30 - May 2, 1998, brought together experts from different fields of science to allow a unified view on clinical and basic research....
Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases represent an important medical problem, since they have a devastating impact on the quality of life and require lo...
The recent increase in the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and especially of Crohn's disease is not a myth. Much speculation has been made regarding the effect of some known and some unidentified risk factors which might account for this steady rise but one cannot deny the contribution of the faster and more effective spread of information between scientists and the development of more sophisticated diagnostic techniques which enable us to categorize the disease in a more comprehensive way. Inflammatory bowel diseases come to the attention of the physician with different...
The recent increase in the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and especially of Crohn's disease is not a myth. Much speculation has been...
Although the first description of patients with what we now call Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis was published well before 1900, both disorders seem to be diseases of the twentieth century. At the very start of the twenty-first century, it therefore seems appropriate to look back and at the same time look forward and to assess what knowledge has been gained during the last 100 years and in what direction research and thereby clinical practice will go in the future. This book, the proceedings of Falk Symposium No. 111 held in Freiburg, Germany, on June 19-20 1999, contains...
Although the first description of patients with what we now call Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis was published well before 1900, both disorders ...
Chronic hepatitis has been in the focus of intense scientific research for decades. Recently, considerable progress and exciting new insights into pathogenesis and resulting therapeutic strategies have been made. Replication of hepatitis B and C viruses and details of life cycle in the host have been well characterised. Immunology in general and immunopathology of the liver in viral and autoimmune hepatitis have shown more specific mechanisms of host defence and new models of autoimmune aggression have been developed. The role of apoptosis in liver damage is now well appreciated and has been...
Chronic hepatitis has been in the focus of intense scientific research for decades. Recently, considerable progress and exciting new insights into pat...
In recent years, knowledge about the cell biology of the cholangiocytes and the function of the bile ducts has increased considerably. Their role in liver diseases is increasingly recognized. As a consequence, important progress has been made not only in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology but also in the diagnosis and treatment of biliary liver diseases. This book, the proceedings of the Falk Symposium 107 on Diseases of the Liver and the Bile Ducts - New Aspects and Clinical Implications', held in Prague, Czech Republic, on April 30-May 2, 1998, brings together scientists and clinicians to...
In recent years, knowledge about the cell biology of the cholangiocytes and the function of the bile ducts has increased considerably. Their role in l...
This book, the proceedings of Falk Symposium No. 104, organized in collaboration with the Society of Mucosal Immunology, and held in Saarbrucken, Germany, March 5-7 1998, is centered around the immunological mechanisms of mucosal protection and their disturbances leading to intestinal inflammation and destruction. This is a rapidly expanding field involving recent knowledge of basic immunology and cell biology as well as clinical observations. The conference and this book summarize very recent data in this field and suggest strategies for future research and clinical applications, and will be...
This book, the proceedings of Falk Symposium No. 104, organized in collaboration with the Society of Mucosal Immunology, and held in Saarbrucken, Germ...
Pregnancy is the main determinant of some liver diseases in humans: acute fatty liver of pregnancy, cholestasis of pregnancy, and acute liver failure in toxaemia of pregnancy. Pregnancy also modifies the natural history of other more common hepatobiliary diseases, such as cholesterol gallstones. Sex hormones (mainly oestrogens, progesterone and/or some of its metabolites) and prolactin are considered responsible for these pathological consequences and they also appear to be influential in the outcome of several other hepatobiliary disorders, in both sexes and all ages. Although these...
Pregnancy is the main determinant of some liver diseases in humans: acute fatty liver of pregnancy, cholestasis of pregnancy, and acute liver failure ...
Hardly any other part of the human body is of such interdisciplinary interest as the anal, perianal and rectal region. Gastroenterologists, dermatologists, urologists, general practitioners and surgeons specialising in proctology, phlebology, and coloproctological surgery are involved in this region between the ectoderm, transitional zone, and entoderm. Diagnostic procedures, such as endoscopy, radiology, sonography, manometry, electromyography, and histopathology are even more diverse, in particular where the differential diagnosis of non-neoplastic conditions of the anorectal region...
Hardly any other part of the human body is of such interdisciplinary interest as the anal, perianal and rectal region. Gastroenterologists, dermatolog...