The Protestant Church in China is growing very fast. However, the role of the Church in society is still fragile and marginal. The Church needs a strong ethical and structural development. This study analyses the theological, ethical and ecclesiological heritage of the Reformation and it shows how this can build the foundation for the future of the Church in China. Four models serve as orientation: the Reformers Luther and Calvin and the theologians Bonhoeffer and Barth in the 20th century, with their vision of Christian faith and a humane society. The critical analysis of the missionary...
The Protestant Church in China is growing very fast. However, the role of the Church in society is still fragile and marginal. The Church needs a stro...
The notion implied in the word -servant- necessarily points to someone (the lord) of whom he is the servant. Isaianic notion of the servant is not an exception to this idea: the prophet is not presenting an isolated and abstract concept of a -servant- but he is speaking about the servant of Yahweh. The servant passages in Second Isaiah should therefore be read in relation to other texts that present Yahweh as the Lord. These texts together explain the concept of the servant. The work therefore reads twelve suggested Isaianic servant passages as original and integral parts of Isaiah 40-53....
The notion implied in the word -servant- necessarily points to someone (the lord) of whom he is the servant. Isaianic notion of the servant is not an ...
Questo lavoro si configura come un indagine su una serie di antiche correnti religiose di orientamento dualista, con lo scopo principale di analizzare come esse hanno compreso e presentato la figura di Gesu Cristo. Innanzitutto viene precisato il significato del concetto di dualismo e valutato in quali casi sia corretto attribuire la denominazione di cristiani ai movimenti presi in considerazione. Ha quindi inizio l analisi dei tratti cristologici delle principali correnti dualiste (marcioniti, bardesaniti, manichei, pauliciani, bogomili e catari), a partire dalle fonti e dagli studi piu...
Questo lavoro si configura come un indagine su una serie di antiche correnti religiose di orientamento dualista, con lo scopo principale di analizzare...