Since 9/11 Western states have sought to integrate 'securitisation' measures within migration regimes as asylum seekers and other migrant categories come to be seen as agents of social instability or as potential terrorists. Treating migration as a security threat has therefore increased insecurity amongst migrant and ethnic minority populations.
Since 9/11 Western states have sought to integrate 'securitisation' measures within migration regimes as asylum seekers and other migrant categories c...
This book demonstrates that the European Union (EU) can curtail the autonomy of FIFA and UEFA by building upon insights from the principal-agent model. The author argues that EU institutional features complicate control, but do not render the EU powerless, and that FIFA and UEFA can deploy a variety of strategies to mitigate control.
This book demonstrates that the European Union (EU) can curtail the autonomy of FIFA and UEFA by building upon insights from the principal-agent mo...
The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was initially intended to create 'a ring of friends surrounding the Union, from Morocco to Russia and the Black Sea' (Prodi, 2002). Today, however, the ever-worsening security situation in the region clearly shows that the aim has not been achieved. With wars in Ukraine, Syria and Libya, the Union's neighbourhood can therefore better be described as 'a ring of fire'. Does this means that the policy has failed and that an alternative policy towards the EU's neighbours is needed? Or should these developments be seen as temporary setbacks caused by...
The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was initially intended to create 'a ring of friends surrounding the Union, from Morocco to Russia and the B...
Selected policy areas of externalization (border management, visa policy, readmission agreements and asylum policy) are applied to Turkey and Morocco as two main migration transit countries within two different institutional cooperation mechanisms: Turkey as an EU candidate country within the EU's enlargement policy;
Selected policy areas of externalization (border management, visa policy, readmission agreements and asylum policy) are applied to Turkey and Morocco ...
This book explores how the EU, as an international actor, is adapting to recent transformations in the multilateral system. The international identity of the European Union is built upon its support for effective multilateralism and its commitment to core norms and values. Until recently, there was no need to choose between these goals. Emerging powers in the international system are not only demanding more power in multilateral institutions, but also sometimes seeking to influence their purpose and function, away from those championed by the EU. This presents a dilemma for EU foreign...
This book explores how the EU, as an international actor, is adapting to recent transformations in the multilateral system. The international ident...
This book provides a timely and in-depth analysis of how two major trade powers, the United States of America (US) and the European Union (EU), contribute to a socio-political dimension of globalization. Myriam Oehri documents US and EU labor standards promotion in Mexico, Morocco, and the Dominican Republic, drawing on an analysis of bilateral and regional trade agreements (NAALC, US-Morocco FTA, CAFTA-DR, EU-Mexico GA, EU-Morocco AA, and EU-CARIFORUM EPA) as well as extensive field research. The case studies reveal that for the advancement of labor norms, both punitive enforcement and...
This book provides a timely and in-depth analysis of how two major trade powers, the United States of America (US) and the European Union (EU), con...
The book offers a new analytical framework for the study of the EU's foreign policy of engagement with emerging powers and will appeal to graduate students and scholars interested in the EU's international role, international relations and development, as well as contemporary Chinese and African studies.
The book offers a new analytical framework for the study of the EU's foreign policy of engagement with emerging powers and will appeal to graduate stu...
This book considers the environmental policies that the EU employs outside its borders. Using a systematic and coherent approach to cover a range of EU activities, environmental issues, and geographical areas, it charts the EU's attempts to shape environmental governance beyond its borders. Key questions addressed include: What environmental norms, rules and policies does the EU seek to promote outside its territory? What types of activities does the EU engage in to pursue these objectives? How successful is the EU in achieving its external environmental policy objectives? What factors...
This book considers the environmental policies that the EU employs outside its borders. Using a systematic and coherent approach to cover a range o...
This book addresses the potential and limitations of the European Union Neighbourhood Policy in sustaining the expansion of the European security community towards the South Caucasus. The Caucasus' complex regional security dynamics are a hard test for regional security community building and showcase both the challenges of security provision through liberal reforms and integration and of the interaction between security communities and balance of power. The author begins by conceptualizing security community expansion and then considers the ENP through this perspective, before moving on...
This book addresses the potential and limitations of the European Union Neighbourhood Policy in sustaining the expansion of the European security c...
This book studies inter-organisational relations from a new angle: power. Drawing on examples that highlight how the EU relates to NATO and to the UN, it shows how consequential inter-organisational relations are for the functioning and nature of the organisations, and how important it is to detect the forms of power exerted in these relations.
This book studies inter-organisational relations from a new angle: power. Drawing on examples that highlight how the EU relates to NATO and to the UN,...