This volume unites the perspective of business ethics with approaches from strategic management, economics, law, political science, and with philosophical reflections on the theory of Corporate Citizenship and New Governance.
In view of the internationalization of the (global) economy and the free movement of capital, new instruments of political coordination are needed. These societal changes trigger the two closely intertwined challenges examined in this book. The first challenge relates to the role and the self-conceptualization of business firms as corporate citizens within...
This volume unites the perspective of business ethics with approaches from strategic management, economics, law, political science, and with philos...
This volume unites the perspective of business ethics with approaches from strategic management, economics, law, political science, and with philosophical reflections on the theory of Corporate Citizenship and New Governance.
In view of the internationalization of the (global) economy and the free movement of capital, new instruments of political coordination are needed. These societal changes trigger the two closely intertwined challenges examined in this book. The first challenge relates to the role and the self-conceptualization of business firms as corporate citizens within...
This volume unites the perspective of business ethics with approaches from strategic management, economics, law, political science, and with philos...
This volume explores corporate governance from three perspectives: a traditional economic, a philosophical, and an integrated business ethics perspective.
Corporate governance has enjoyed a long tradition in the English-speaking world of management sciences. Following its traditional understanding it is defined as leadership and control of a firm with the aim of securing the long-term survival and viability of that firm. But recent business scandals and financial crises continue to provide ample cause for concern and have all fuelled interest in the ethical aspects. As a result,...
This volume explores corporate governance from three perspectives: a traditional economic, a philosophical, and an integrated business ethics persp...
The social market economy forms a fundamental theory of the market economy and an integrated economic and ethical theory of the economic order in which the political and societal conditions for the working of the market are included in the theory of the market economy. The social market economy is presented as a universal theory of the decisions to be made about the economic order in all cultures and is analysed in its basic theoretical foundations and in its application to the transition process from the planned to the market economy, particulary in the privatisation of socialised property...
The social market economy forms a fundamental theory of the market economy and an integrated economic and ethical theory of the economic order in whic...
This book presents an integration of the analysis of symbo- lic, ethical, and cultural meaning into the theory of econo- mic action. It demontrates that the scope of economics is widened by the inclusion of the cultural and ethical determinants of economic action and by bringing the ethical and cultural factors back into economics and management science. The book's contribution to business ethics and economic ethics lies in its distinctly continental European background which is often overlooked in current discussions of economic theory. The papers in this volume point to a mutual...
This book presents an integration of the analysis of symbo- lic, ethical, and cultural meaning into the theory of econo- mic action. It demontrates th...
Die in diesem Buch zusammengefa ten Beitr{ge }ber die neue- ren Entwicklungen der Wirtschaftsethik und Wirtschaftsphilo- sophie spiegeln dieEntwicklung der Wirtschaftsethik zur normalen Wissenschaft, zu einem neuen Paradigma der Wirtschaftstheorie wider. Sie setzen den Leser in umfassender Weise }ber den neuesten Stand der Diskussion }ber die Grundlagen der Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik und }ber die Integrationsbem}hungen von -konomischer und ethischer Theorie in Kenntnis. Die Besonderheit dieses Bandes liegt in der Ausdehnung der wirtschaftsethischen Fragestellung auf die Ethik des...
Die in diesem Buch zusammengefa ten Beitr{ge }ber die neue- ren Entwicklungen der Wirtschaftsethik und Wirtschaftsphilo- sophie spiegeln dieEntwicklun...
Europa ist dabei, den Nationalstaat zu }berwinden und einen }bernationalen Bundesstaat zu entwickeln. Die wirtschaftli- che Vereinigung Europas ist weit vorangeschritten, seine kulturelle, geistige und soziale Einigung h{lt jedoch mit der wirtschaftlichen nicht Schritt. Die kulturelle Aufgabe der europ{ischen Einigung, das gemeineurop{ische Bewu tsein, deneurop{ischen Bundessaat und die gemeinsame humane Lebensordnung der Europas zu schaffen, trritt verst{rkt in den Mittelpunkt der europ{ischen Frage. DasBuch Europa imaginieren, eine wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaftsarbeit franz-sischer,...
Europa ist dabei, den Nationalstaat zu }berwinden und einen }bernationalen Bundesstaat zu entwickeln. Die wirtschaftli- che Vereinigung Europas ist we...
Economics makes the incommensurable commensurable by money prices. On the other hand, there are varieties of goodness like the ethical that seem not to fit into the scale of prices of economics, but cannot be neglected in economizing. Ways of integrating ethics into economics must therefore be found. The aim of this book is the integration of the ethical discourse into the economic discourse about the economical and efficient. It investi gates into the structure of goodness. The contribution of this volume to the current debate in economic ethics and business ethics lies in its analysis of...
Economics makes the incommensurable commensurable by money prices. On the other hand, there are varieties of goodness like the ethical that seem not t...
Business ethics is increasingly paid attention to in the public debate. The rapid changes in business conditions, due to changing institutions, changing markets and new means of communication in business, call for a renewal of the discussion of ethics and morality in business life. Among many other things, the questions of equality of race, religion and gender, of environmental conditions for sustainable industrial growth and the necessity to supply meaningful jobs for the young generation call for eth- ical consideration as an integrated part of the decision-making processes in business and...
Business ethics is increasingly paid attention to in the public debate. The rapid changes in business conditions, due to changing institutions, changi...
Dieses Buch untersucht die Probleme, die sich aufgrund von nationalen und kulturellen Gegensatzen in chinesisch-deutschen Joint-Ventures in der Volksrepublik China ergeben. Ziel ist es, auf Ursachen der interkulturellen Managementprobleme in Joint-Ventures und auf die Moglichkeiten der Verbesserung aufmerksam zu machen. Das Buch richtet sich deshalb auch an Unternehmen, die in China aktiv werden wollen.
Dieses Buch untersucht die Probleme, die sich aufgrund von nationalen und kulturellen Gegensatzen in chinesisch-deutschen Joint-Ventures in der Volksr...