Conduct effective diagnostic interviews and enhance client relationship skills
A thorough diagnostic interview is the foundation for informed and comprehensive clinical diagnosis and treatment planning. In addition to basic interviewing techniques, professionals must also possess skills in designing interviews to satisfy the requirements of the accrediting agencies and third-party payers who audit their clients' charts. Now, there is one source that offers expert instruction in both--Essentials of Interviewing.
As part of the Essentials of Mental Health Practice...
Conduct effective diagnostic interviews and enhance client relationship skills
A thorough diagnostic interview is the foundation for info...
The authors are the leading experts in outcome assessment. * Call-out boxes, bullet points, icons, and other reader-friendly design elements are used extensively throughout the text. * Written in an engaging, easy-reference style.
The authors are the leading experts in outcome assessment. * Call-out boxes, bullet points, icons, and other reader-friendly design elements are...