This publication characterizes the environmental burden of disease in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), measured by the excess number of deaths and illnesses in the population due to exposure to environmental hazards. The robust methods used in this risk analysis can be applied to any country or region. This publication documents the systematic, multi-step process used to identify environmental priorities and the detailed methods used to quantify the disease burden attributable to each risk. Based on the results of the burden of disease assessment, the publication summarizes the subsequent...
This publication characterizes the environmental burden of disease in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), measured by the excess number of deaths and i...
The scope of environmental impact on reproduction is very large. It aims at covering all aspects of reproductive problems and their links to the environment. Therefore, it deals with female and male reproductive impairments, whatever their severity and their sites, gonad or extra-gonad. For women, effects include direct lesions of the oocyte, with possibilities of chromosomal abnormalities but also malformations of the reproductive tract. Reduced fertility and in some cases total infertility may also result from menstrual irregularities, which can at times include anovulatory cycles. Hormonal...
The scope of environmental impact on reproduction is very large. It aims at covering all aspects of reproductive problems and their links to the envir...
In recent years, increasing attention and resources have been brought to bear on the relationship between the environment and congenital diseases. These diseases were previously thought to be mostly due to genetic causes. Even though the importance of genes as factors in causation is accepted, environmental factors seem to be implicated just as strongly. This book explores some further concepts that have arisen from more recent perceptions of environmental effects and their possible interactions with living systems. Amongst the topics discussed are:
In recent years, increasing attention and resources have been brought to bear on the relationship between the environment and congenital diseases. ...
This book is an outcome of a research project on "Sustainable Forestry and the Environment in Developing Countries." The project has been run by Metsantutki muslaitos METLA -the Finnish Forest Research Institute since 1987 and will be completed this year. A major output by this project has so far been a report in three volumes on "Deforestation or development in the Third World?" The purpose of our multidisciplinary research project is to generate new knowl edge about the causes of deforestation, its scenarios and consequences. More knowledge is needed for more effective, efficient and...
This book is an outcome of a research project on "Sustainable Forestry and the Environment in Developing Countries." The project has been run by Metsa...
This book describes the state of the art at the interface between energy and environmental research. The contributing authors are some of the world leaders in research and education on energy and environmental topics. The coverage is worth noting for its breadth and depth. The book begins with the latest trends in applied thermodynamics: the methods of exergy analysis, entropy generation minimization and thermoeconomics. It continues with the most modern developments in energy processing and conservation techniques: heat transfer augmentation devices, inverse thermal design, combustion and...
This book describes the state of the art at the interface between energy and environmental research. The contributing authors are some of the world le...
The possible impacts of global climate change on different countries has led to the development and ratification of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) and has a strong bearing on the future sustainable development of developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The preparation of analytical methodologies and tools for carrying out assessments of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change is therefore of prime importance to these countries. Such assessments are needed to both fulfill the reporting requirements of the countries under the FCCC as well as to...
The possible impacts of global climate change on different countries has led to the development and ratification of the Framework Convention on Climat...
This publication characterizes the environmental burden of disease in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), measured by the excess number of deaths and illnesses in the population due to exposure to environmental hazards. The robust methods used in this risk analysis can be applied to any country or region. This publication documents the systematic, multi-step process used to identify environmental priorities and the detailed methods used to quantify the disease burden attributable to each risk. Based on the results of the burden of disease assessment, the publication summarizes the subsequent...
This publication characterizes the environmental burden of disease in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), measured by the excess number of deaths and i...