Florian Baumgartner analysiert, welche Faktoren Erfinder an ausseruniversitaren Forschungseinrichtungen zum Schritt in die Selbststandigkeit veranlassen. Gestutzt auf statistisch fortgeschrittene Methoden zeigt er, dass Erfinder, die sich unternehmerisch verhalten, von ihrer Erfindung uberzeugt sind und von Promotoren unterstutzt werden, mit grosserer Wahrscheinlichkeit ein Unternehmen grunden als andere."
Florian Baumgartner analysiert, welche Faktoren Erfinder an ausseruniversitaren Forschungseinrichtungen zum Schritt in die Selbststandigkeit veranlass...
With the emergence of the Internet many products and services have been created that rely and build on the stimulating effect of network externalities. Consequently, the analysis of these types of technologies and their specific characteristics has also gained in importance, especially regarding the forecasting of their diffusion.§Philipp Bell develops a mathematical diffusion model for system-effect technologies building on the specific prerequisites needed for an adequate representation of their unique characteristics. The empirical analysis of ten system-effect technologies compares the...
With the emergence of the Internet many products and services have been created that rely and build on the stimulating effect of network externalities...
Management control is one of the key management functions, but has been rarely addressed in academic research. Amongst other reasons, this disinterest might be rooted in the typically negative connotation of the term 'control'. Academics rather prefer topics like strategy development, planning or organizational topics over control. Paradoxically, academics and managers both are highly interested and concerned with visions, strategies and plans; however, the majority of them fail or are not implemented successfully. One of the key reasons for this is the fact that the implementation and the...
Management control is one of the key management functions, but has been rarely addressed in academic research. Amongst other reasons, this disinterest...
Unter Berucksichtigung verschiedener moderierender Variablen sowie der mediierenden Variablen des Innovationserfolgs untersucht Gerald Schonbucher hypothesengeleitet die Frage des Zusammenhangs zwischen EO und Unternehmenserfolg. Der Autor zeigt, dass zwischen EO und Unternehmenserfolg ein signifikanter Zusammenhang besteht und leitet zahlreiche Handlungsempfehlungen zur Schaffung einer unternehmerischen Orientierung ab.
Unter Berucksichtigung verschiedener moderierender Variablen sowie der mediierenden Variablen des Innovationserfolgs untersucht Gerald Schonbucher hyp...
Within the last decades, an interesting economic phenomenon can be observed in many industries across the globe: companies that for many years had dominated their respective segments misjudged the potential of a new technology and, in consequence, missed an important innovation frequently resulting in fatal economic consequences. Just to give one example: KODAK lost its dominating position as it decided far too late to invest in digital photography, a radical innovation that completely changed the photo industry. Interestingly, like many other companies that have been subject to this...
Within the last decades, an interesting economic phenomenon can be observed in many industries across the globe: companies that for many years had dom...
The concept of customer loyalty has come to play an important role in established businesses. It is a well-known fact that a higher level of customer loyalty leads to greater company success. As a result, instruments of Relationship Marketing and the role played by trust and the creation of trust are becoming increasingly important. This is also the case with young enterprises: Brinkmann, for example, has ascertained that customer loyalty can contribute to success even in the early stages of company development. However, the role played by trust in this process until now appears to have been...
The concept of customer loyalty has come to play an important role in established businesses. It is a well-known fact that a higher level of customer ...
Matthias Hasel untersucht die Praferenzen und die Wertwahrnehmung von Internet-Grundern in Hinblick auf die Kompetenzprofile von IT-Experten. Er entwickelt ein Kompetenzmodell und stellt ein conjointanalytisches Untersuchungsdesign vor, mit dem er prototypische Kompetenzprofile ermittelt und Zusammenhange zwischen dem bevorzugten Kompetenzprofil und dem Produkt eines Unternehmens sowie der Erfahrung und eigenen Kompetenz des Bewertenden uberpruft.
Matthias Hasel untersucht die Praferenzen und die Wertwahrnehmung von Internet-Grundern in Hinblick auf die Kompetenzprofile von IT-Experten. Er entwi...
Innovation management is commonly understood as a central system and function of a firm's ability to keep up with developments in the market. Markus Sattler reviews the predictors of successful innovation management on firm level with a meta-analytic approach. His findings suggest that the role of knowledge management and an environment of learning are important success factors on which managers can have a substantial effect. Furthermore a clear managerial commitment to innovations and a sophisticated innovation process are further central predictors of a successful innovation management.
Innovation management is commonly understood as a central system and function of a firm's ability to keep up with developments in the market. Markus S...
In einer umfangreichen empirischen Analyse untersucht Andreas Hack die Einstellung von Mitarbeitern gegenuber monetaren Anreizen und die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Entlohnungsformen auf den Unternehmenserfolg von Grundungsunternehmen.
In einer umfangreichen empirischen Analyse untersucht Andreas Hack die Einstellung von Mitarbeitern gegenuber monetaren Anreizen und die Auswirkungen ...