In this thrilling new high-fantasy trilogy, a magic-wielding queen and a ruthless bounty hunter are separated by centuries but connected by a prophecy. When assassins ambush her best friend, Rielle risks everything to save him, exposing herself as one of a pair of prophesied queens: a queen of light, and a queen of blood. To prove she is the Sun Queen, Rielle must endure seven elemental magic trials. If she fails, she will be executed... unless the trials kill her first. One thousand years later, the legend of Queen Rielle is a fairy tale to Eliana. A bounty hunter for the Undying ...
In this thrilling new high-fantasy trilogy, a magic-wielding queen and a ruthless bounty hunter are separated by centuries but connected by a prophe...
Rielle Dardenne has been anointed Sun Queen, but her trials are far from over. The Gate keeping the angels at bay is falling. To repair it, Rielle must collect the seven hidden castings of the saints. Meanwhile, to help her true love Prince Audric protect Celdaria, Rielle must spy on the angel Corien-but his promises of freedom and power may prove too tempting to resist. Centuries later, Eliana Ferracora grapples with her new reality She is the Sun Queen, humanitys long-awaited savior. But fear of corruption-fear of becoming another Rielle-keeps Elianas power dangerous and unpredictable....
Rielle Dardenne has been anointed Sun Queen, but her trials are far from over. The Gate keeping the angels at bay is falling. To repair it, Rielle mus...
Queen Rielle, pushed away from everything she loves, turns to Corien and his promises of glory. Meanwhile, whispers from the empirium slowly drive her mad, urging her to open the Gate. Separated from Audric and Ludivine, she embraces the role of Blood Queen and her place by Coriens side, determined to become the monster the world believes her to be. In the future, Eliana arrives in the Empires capital as a broken shell of herself. Betrayed by those she trusted, she fights to keep her power at bay - and away from Corien, who will stop at nothing to travel back in time to Rielle, even if that...
Queen Rielle, pushed away from everything she loves, turns to Corien and his promises of glory. Meanwhile, whispers from the empirium slowly drive her...