An examination of the resurrection of Christ and its relationship to the doctrine of the Trinity in the mature work of Karl Barth, particularly across the three parts of volume IV of the Church Dogmatics. It argues that, for Barth, the subject and basis of Christ's resurrection is the triune God.
An examination of the resurrection of Christ and its relationship to the doctrine of the Trinity in the mature work of Karl Barth, particularly across...
One of the perennial questions in political theology is how the concept of truth is defined and how such is grounded theologically. This book tackles this question through an analysis and comparison of the thought of two of the most important contemporary Catholic and Protestant theologians, Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) and John Milbank.
One of the perennial questions in political theology is how the concept of truth is defined and how such is grounded theologically. This book tackles ...
Light is one of the most ancient and significant metaphors adopted by Christianity by which to understand the significance of Jesus Christ. This book establishes the theological network formed by the motif of light/illumination in Aquinas, from how theology operates to the systematic, sacramental, and moral coordinates in Aquinas' theology.
Light is one of the most ancient and significant metaphors adopted by Christianity by which to understand the significance of Jesus Christ. This book ...
An intervention in Reformed readings of the doctrine of providence, particularly around Barth's critical interpretation of the tradition stemming from Calvin and Schleiermacher. It argues that while Barth advances the discussion in key ways, his reading of Calvin in particular is significantly hampered by his running challenge to Schleiermacher.
An intervention in Reformed readings of the doctrine of providence, particularly around Barth's critical interpretation of the tradition stemming from...
A title, in which, the narrator occasionally obtrudes into the narrative to manage or deflect anticipated reader questions and assumptions, sometimes invoking the divine, sometimes protecting a favored character, in an interpretive stance that the author compares with the commentary provided by later rabbis and in the Targums.
A title, in which, the narrator occasionally obtrudes into the narrative to manage or deflect anticipated reader questions and assumptions, sometimes ...
What is the relationship of the church to theology? How does the church relate to the work of creative theological authorship, particularly when authors propose novel claims? The author takes up these challenging and provocative questions and argues for a fresh ecclesiology of the church as event, specifically as a diffusively spatialized event.
What is the relationship of the church to theology? How does the church relate to the work of creative theological authorship, particularly when autho...
The identification of God with beauty is one of the most aesthetically rich notions within Christian thought. To avoid a theological account of beauty becoming a mere projection of our wildest desires, it must be reined in by dogmatics. This book employs the thought of Robert W Jenson to construct a dogmatic aesthetics.
The identification of God with beauty is one of the most aesthetically rich notions within Christian thought. To avoid a theological account of beauty...
Arguing for a retrieval of the landmark work, God's Fierce Whimsy, the author establishes the critical importance of this volume for the construction of a dialogic theological method. Finally, the author constructively engages various developments in feminist theologies and postcolonial theories.
Arguing for a retrieval of the landmark work, God's Fierce Whimsy, the author establishes the critical importance of this volume for the construction ...
Criticizes the use of gendered metaphors - Babylon as a tortured woman - which the author asserts reflect an inescapably androcentric, even misogynistic, perspective. The author seeks to dismantle the either/or dichotomy within the Great Whore debate by bringing the categories of race/ethnicity and class to bear on John's metaphors.
Criticizes the use of gendered metaphors - Babylon as a tortured woman - which the author asserts reflect an inescapably androcentric, even misogynist...
A title, that systematically develops the paradigm of cosmocentric transfiguration, arguing that the entire cosmos-including all instantiations of life therein-shares in the eschatological hope of a harmonious participation in God's triune life, a participation that entails the end of suffering, predation, and death.
A title, that systematically develops the paradigm of cosmocentric transfiguration, arguing that the entire cosmos-including all instantiations of lif...