This volumedelvesinto the issues facing families who deal with chronic illness. A result of the Conference on Family Resilience at Oklahoma State University, this book focuses on working with or doing research about families dealing with chronic illness. The volume covers the entire lifespan from infancy to older age and provides practical applications for service providers. It also offers a interdisciplinary perspective."
This volumedelvesinto the issues facing families who deal with chronic illness. A result of the Conference on Family Resilience at Oklahoma State Univ...
Throughout, contributors provide practical applications for therapists and other service providers in diverse disciplines, and for advancing family resilience as a field. Included in the coverage: * Therapeutic interventions for caregiving families. *
Throughout, contributors provide practical applications for therapists and other service providers in diverse disciplines, and for advancing family re...
This book examines belonging as a key protective factor for enhancing resilience for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. It focuses on understanding intellectual and developmental disabilities and resilience from systemic and social-ecological perspectives, emphasizing the roles of professionals, families, and communities in combating long-standing segregation and health disparities experienced by individuals and families. The volume explores the dimensions of belonging across diverse professional fields using a person-centered approach that...
This book examines belonging as a key protective factor for enhancing resilience for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and ...