This excellent advanced text rigorously covers several topics related to random signal processing. Geared toward students of electrical engineering, its material is sufficiently general to be applicable to other engineering fields. It features numerous homework problems of varying difficulty, with ample hints for the more challenging problems, and solutions for those with results that reappear in later chapters. Author Boaz Porat, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), in Haifa, introduces stationary processes and discusses their structure and...
This excellent advanced text rigorously covers several topics related to random signal processing. Geared toward students of electrical engineering, i...
Complex systems require fast control action in response to local input, and perturbations dictate the use of decentralized information and control structures. This much-cited reference book explores the approaches to synthesizing control laws under decentralized information structure constraints. Starting with a graph-theoretic framework for structural modeling of complex systems, the text presents results related to robust stabilization via decentralized state feedback. Subsequent chapters explore optimization, output feedback, the manipulative power of graphs, overlapping decompositions...
Complex systems require fast control action in response to local input, and perturbations dictate the use of decentralized information and control str...