"As regards my means of expression, I try my hardest to achieve the maximum of clarity, power, and plastic aggressiveness; a physical sensation to begin with, followed up by an impact on the psyche." -- Miro Miro's line recalls Picasso's in clarity and power; the Catalan's "plastic aggressiveness" led him, as it did his Andalusian friend, to bold, successful experiment and innovation in ceramics, sculpture and printmaking, especially lithography. The lithographic print medium suited and encouraged the artist's lifelong, often radical, obsession with stripping art to the marrow. The 40...
"As regards my means of expression, I try my hardest to achieve the maximum of clarity, power, and plastic aggressiveness; a physical sensation to ...
A gallery of superb portraits in pencil, pastels, and charcoal. Virtuoso display of technical skill and intuitive eye of noted American portrait painter.
A gallery of superb portraits in pencil, pastels, and charcoal. Virtuoso display of technical skill and intuitive eye of noted American portrait paint...
Among the best known and most immediately recognizable images in art history are the superb studies and portraits of ballet dancers by Edgar Degas (1834-1917). One of the most popular of nineteenth-century artists, Degas was fascinated by movement, especially that of dancers. His highly trained eye enabled him to capture the dancer's grace and power as well as subtleties and nuances of pose and execution, making his pictures as true in fact as they are in spirit. This original compilation includes 41 full-page and six half-page black-and-white Degas drawings of dancers. Some are finished...
Among the best known and most immediately recognizable images in art history are the superb studies and portraits of ballet dancers by Edgar Degas (18...