With its unique combination of primary sources and historical narrative, Jewish Responses to Persecution: 1944 1946, provides an important new perspective on Holocaust history. Covering the final year of Nazi destruction and the immediate postwar years, it traces the increasingly urgent Jewish struggle for survival, which included armed resistance and organized escape attempts. Shedding light on the personal and public lives of Jews, this book provides compelling insights into a wide range of Jewish experiences during the Holocaust. Jewish individuals and communities suffered through this...
With its unique combination of primary sources and historical narrative, Jewish Responses to Persecution: 1944 1946, provides an important new perspec...
In December 2013, after years of exhaustive search, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum received more than four hundred pages of diary notes written by one of the most prominent Nazis, the Party's chief ideologue and Reich minister for the occupied Soviet territories Alfred Rosenberg. By combining Rosenberg's diary notes with additional key documents and in-depth analysis, this book shows Rosenberg's crucial role in the Nazi regime's anti-Jewish policy. In the second half of 1941 the territory administered by Rosenberg became the region where the mass murder of Jewish men, women, and children...
In December 2013, after years of exhaustive search, the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum received more than four hundred pages of diary notes written by...