Dr Andrews here provides a homogeneous treatment of the semantics (operational and logical) of both theoretical and practical logic programming languages. He shows how the rift between theory and practice in logic programming can be bridged. This is achieved by precisely characterizing the way in which ?depth-first? search for solutions to a logical formula - the usual strategy in most practical languages - is incomplete. Languages that perform ?breadth-first? searches reflect more closely the theory underlying logic programming languages. Researchers interested in logic programming or...
Dr Andrews here provides a homogeneous treatment of the semantics (operational and logical) of both theoretical and practical logic programming langua...
This thesis is concerned with the design of efficient algorithms for listing combinatorial structures. The research described here gives some answers to the following questions: which families of combinatorial structures have fast computer algorithms for listing their members, What general methods are useful for listing combinatorial structures, How can these be applied to those families that are of interest to theoretical computer scientists and combinatorialists? Among those families considered are unlabeled graphs, first-order one properties, Hamiltonian graphs, graphs with cliques of...
This thesis is concerned with the design of efficient algorithms for listing combinatorial structures. The research described here gives some answers ...