This volume presents the state of the art in digital scholarly editing. Drawing together the work of established and emerging researchers, it gives pause at a crucial moment in the history of technology in order to offer a sustained reflection on the practices involved in producing, editing and reading digital scholarly editions--and the theories that underpin them. The unrelenting progress of computer technology has changed the nature of textual scholarship at the most fundamental level: the way editors and scholars work, the tools they use to do such work and the research questions...
This volume presents the state of the art in digital scholarly editing. Drawing together the work of established and emerging researchers, it gives...
This volume presents the state of the art in digital scholarly editing. Drawing together the work of established and emerging researchers, it gives pause at a crucial moment in the history of technology in order to offer a sustained reflection on the practices involved in producing, editing and reading digital scholarly editions--and the theories that underpin them. The unrelenting progress of computer technology has changed the nature of textual scholarship at the most fundamental level: the way editors and scholars work, the tools they use to do such work and the research questions...
This volume presents the state of the art in digital scholarly editing. Drawing together the work of established and emerging researchers, it gives...
Die transdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit stellt die Fächer Literaturwissenschaft und Informatik vor die Herausforderung, ihre Theoriebildungen und Modelle neu zu perspektivieren. Die Beiträger*innen dokumentieren exemplarisch die spannungsreiche Verschränkung von digitalen und klassischen Methoden, fachlichen Standards sowie unterschiedlichen Forschungsgegenständen der beiden höchst differenten Wissenschaftskulturen. Aus der Sicht beider Disziplinen eruieren sie die epistemologischen Mehrwerte digitaler Modellierung oder evaluieren Tools für die Analyse literarischer Texte - und stoßen so...
Die transdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit stellt die Fächer Literaturwissenschaft und Informatik vor die Herausforderung, ihre Theoriebildungen und Model...