The disturbance of soils, like other phenomena of environmental pollution, encountered in so many areas all over the world, has become a subject of extensive concern and has led to a vast amount of literature in the field of enzymology, too. The book is the first comprehensive and updated review of the enzymological literature on three great categories of disturbed soils, including their remediation. The volume consists of three sections: I. Enzymology of oil-contaminated soils; II. Enzymology of soils affected by industrial emissions; and III, enzymology of technogenic soils. Within each...
The disturbance of soils, like other phenomena of environmental pollution, encountered in so many areas all over the world, has become a subject of ex...
623435-28b.gif Volume B covers the ecological significance of the interactions among clay minerals, organic matter and soil biota. Soil is a dynamic system in which soil minerals constantly interact with organic matter and microorganisms. Close association among abiotic and biotic entities governs several chemical and biogeochemical processes and affects bioavailability, speciation, toxicity, transformations and transport of xenobiotics and organics in soil environments. This book elaborates critical research and an integrated view on basic aspects of mineral weathering reactions;...
623435-28b.gif Volume B covers the ecological significance of the interactions among clay minerals, organic matter and soil biota. Soil is a dynami...
Healthy soil, with active soil life, deters long-term soil degradation and ensures that geo-physical processes are undisturbed. Is the vitality of soil under threat due to human civilization? Or is it due to contamination, intensification, and deforestation? Vital Soil aims to look at the effects society is having on soil and contains contributions from recognized experts in soil science.
* Function and value of vital soils * Detailed information on how to prevent soil from irreversible stresses * Articles on soil life aiming to bridge the gap between science and practice...
Healthy soil, with active soil life, deters long-term soil degradation and ensures that geo-physical processes are undisturbed. Is the vitality of soi...
The book compiles the main ideas and methodologies that have been proposed and tested within these last fifteen years in the field of Digital Soil Mapping (DSM). Begining with current experiences of soil information system developments in various regions of the world, this volume presents states of the art of different topics covered by DSM: Conception and handling of soil databases, sampling methods, new soil spatial covariates, Quantitative spatial modelling, Quality assessment and representation of DSM outputs. This book provides a solid support to students, researchers and engineers...
The book compiles the main ideas and methodologies that have been proposed and tested within these last fifteen years in the field of Digital Soil Map...
This book begins with an overview of current thinking on bioavailability, its definition, cutting-edge research in speciation and advancement in tools for assessing chemical bioavailability in the terrestrial environment. The second section of the book focuses on the role of chemical speciation in bioavailability. Section three addresses bioavailability and ecotoxicity of contaminants and leads into the next section on bioavailability of nutrients and agrichemicals. Subsequent sections provide an overview of tools currently being used and new cutting-edge techniques to assess contaminant...
This book begins with an overview of current thinking on bioavailability, its definition, cutting-edge research in speciation and advancement in tools...
Geomorphometry is the science of quantitative land-surface analysis. It draws upon mathematical, statistical, and image-processing techniques to quantify the shape of earth's topography at various spatial scales. The focus of geomorphometry is the calculation of surface-form measures (land-surface parameters) and features (objects), which may be used to improve the mapping and modelling of landforms to assist in the evaluation of soils, vegetation, land use, natural hazards, and other information.
This book provides a practical guide to preparing Digital Elevation Models (DEM) for...
Geomorphometry is the science of quantitative land-surface analysis. It draws upon mathematical, statistical, and image-processing techniques to quant...
Climate Change Impacts on Soil Processes and Ecosystem Properties, Volume 35, presents current and emerging soil science research in the areas of soil processes and climate change, while also evaluating future research needs. The book combines the five areas of soil science (microbiology, physics, fertility, pedology and chemistry) to give a comprehensive assessment. This integration of topics is rarely done in a single publication due to the disciplinary nature of the soil science areas, so users will find it to be a comprehensive resource on the topic.
Provides an...
Climate Change Impacts on Soil Processes and Ecosystem Properties, Volume 35, presents current and emerging soil science research in the are...