Table 1. Global allocation of arable land between different com- modities Globally, cereal cropping dominates cultivated land Commodities' Proportion of land area use (around 50% of total area, Table I). The remain- (%) ing arable land is used for production of oilseed, fibre, or food and cash crops. In addition, vast areas are Cereals maintained under temporary or permanent pasture for Wheat 16 forage production (2-3 fold greater than the total area Rice 10 under cultivation and permanent crop; Table 1, Fig. Maize 9 O. All cultivated crops, except for legumes (pulses All other cereals 13 and...
Table 1. Global allocation of arable land between different com- modities Globally, cereal cropping dominates cultivated land Commodities' Proportion ...
Knowledge of cardiac ion channels and transporters has advanced remarkably in the last two decades with the development of patch-clamp and molecular biological techniques. This textbook offers a comprehensive overview of structures and functions of ion channels and transporters in the heart. Readers are first introduced to the molecular biology and electrophysiology of all the important ion channels. After discussing their developmental changes, the pharmacology and pathophysiology of clinically-relevant ion channels are reviewed. Molecular aspects of the cardiac excitation-contraction...
Knowledge of cardiac ion channels and transporters has advanced remarkably in the last two decades with the development of patch-clamp and molecular b...
In 1909 Alfred Haar introduced into analysis a remarkable system which bears his name. The Haar system is a complete orthonormal system on 0,1] and the Fourier-Haar series for arbitrary continuous function converges uniformly to this function. This volume is devoted to the investigation of the Haar system from the operator theory point of view. The main subjects treated are: classical results on unconditional convergence of the Haar series in modern presentation; Fourier-Haar coefficients; reproducibility; martingales; monotone bases in rearrangement invariant spaces; rearrangements...
In 1909 Alfred Haar introduced into analysis a remarkable system which bears his name. The Haar system is a complete orthonormal system on 0,1] and t...
Nitrogen Economy in Tropical Soils presents an authoritative and comprehensive state-of-the-art review on soil/plant nitrogen inter-relationships, with special reference to tropical soils and crops in aerobic and anaerobic environments. Use of isotopically labelled nitrogen in experimentation, especially in tropical environments, and recently developed analytical techniques for soil and plant materials are presented. An important aspect is the emphasis placed on the impact of the tropical environment on nitrogen transformations in the soil environment. This book should be an...
Nitrogen Economy in Tropical Soils presents an authoritative and comprehensive state-of-the-art review on soil/plant nitrogen inter-relations...
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) has become important in rice farming systems because this process diminishes the need for expensive chemical fertilizers which have been associated with numerous health and environmental problems. The extensive exploitation of BNF would provide economic benefits to small farmers, avoiding all malign influences of chemical fertilizers. Meanwhile, advances in biotechnology have brought rice genetics to the threshold of new opportunities for increasing rice production. This volume focuses, in six different sessions, on the role of BNF in the...
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) has become important in rice farming systems because this process diminishes the need for expensive chemical fertil...
This symposium on 'Boron in Soils and Plants' completes a quartet of reviews of the behaviour in soils and plants of four trace elements, copper, manganese, zinc and boron, selected for their importance in agriculture. The series had its genesis in a suggestion from Professor Robin Graham of the Waite Agricultural Research Institute that it would be appropriate in 1981 to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the publication in 1931 of the first definitive evidence for the essentiality of copper in plants. The previous decade had seen a resurgence of interest in copper deficiency and toxicity in...
This symposium on 'Boron in Soils and Plants' completes a quartet of reviews of the behaviour in soils and plants of four trace elements, copper, mang...
Rice is the major staple food in Asia, and food security means rice security for most Asians. By the year 2025, we need to produce about 60% more rice than we do today to meet the growing demand. Efficient use of inputs is vital to safely produce the additional food from limited resources with minimal impact on the environment. This book reviews emerging knowledge-intensive technologies and decision aids for improved nutrient management in rice, technology adoption constraints at the farm level, and innovative approaches for field evaluation and promotion of new technologies to farmers. It is...
Rice is the major staple food in Asia, and food security means rice security for most Asians. By the year 2025, we need to produce about 60% more rice...
With limited water resources to divert for agriculture, innovations aimed at increasing efficient use of irrigation water must be developed. Among the means to survive the consequences of water scarcity and yet to sustain high crop production under irrigated agriculture with decreasing share of water, deficient irrigation programs are highly valued and their adoption is widely promoted. However, to ensure that the same level of crop yields as in full irrigation can still be achieved with deficient irrigation, experience regarding crop yield response to deficient irrigation programs must be...
With limited water resources to divert for agriculture, innovations aimed at increasing efficient use of irrigation water must be developed. Among the...
Practical experience and scientific investigations have shown that balanced fertilization above all exerts a considerable influence on the quality of agricultural products. This is an overview of crop nutrition to increase crop quality, safeguard natural resources and benefit the farmer.
Practical experience and scientific investigations have shown that balanced fertilization above all exerts a considerable influence on the quality of ...
Incorporating contributions from microbiologists, molecular biologists, plant breeders and soil scientists this volume reports the results and recommendations of an FAO/IAEA meeting of twelve experts on biological nitrogen fixation. This volume will be invaluable to scientists working on nitrogen fixation, soil microbiology, agronomy and crop production as well as farm advisers and extension specialists. Maximising the Use of Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Agriculture is unique in that it:
-reviews the latest thinking on various aspects of biological nitrogen fixation...
Incorporating contributions from microbiologists, molecular biologists, plant breeders and soil scientists this volume reports the results and recomme...