The use of intra-arterial therapy is not nearly as easy as the use of systemic intravenous therapy. The unique complications of intra-arterial therapy can be minimized by selecting the right drug delivery system and by judicious use of appropriate chemotherapeutic agents. Intra-arterial therapy should not be used by physicians who are unwilling to provide the commitment necessary. Experience and dedication are essential ingredients. Only careful clinical investigation can underwrite the future in this area. REFERENCES 1. Ensminger WD, Gyves JW: Regional cancer chemotherapy. Cancer Treat Rep...
The use of intra-arterial therapy is not nearly as easy as the use of systemic intravenous therapy. The unique complications of intra-arterial therapy...
Society The Third Symposium of the International held in against Breast Cancer CONTRA CANCRUM MAMMARIUM was Paris, at UNESCO, on December 9-12, 1985. Scientists and physicians came from allover the world to attend this meeting. They came from Japan, Brazil, the United States and the Middle East, from Belgium, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, and from allover France. They all contributed to the success of the Symposium and my cordial thanks go to all of them and particularly to the invited speakers and chairmen of the...
Society The Third Symposium of the International held in against Breast Cancer CONTRA CANCRUM MAMMARIUM was Paris, at UNESCO, on December 9-12, 1985. ...
The development of monoclonal antibodies to human tumor associated antigens has greatly facilitated the application of immunohistochemical techniques to analyze surgically removed tissues. During the last few years this approach has been utilized by a progressively increasing number of investigators to analyze malignant cells. Although monoclonal antibodies to tumor associated antigens have not become yet routine reagents in immunopathology, they have provided new information which could not be obtained with conventional antisera or histochemical procedures. The following are representative...
The development of monoclonal antibodies to human tumor associated antigens has greatly facilitated the application of immunohistochemical techniques ...