"More than half of the world's population is at risk of the tropical diseases malaria, leprosy, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, Chagas' disease, African trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis and half a billion are infected with at least one of these diseases." J. H. F. Remme, World Health Organisation, 1993. "If it is true that science is not limited by frontiers and all research Institutions then belong to mankind, so it is natural for each Institution to be responsible for the problems of those who live in the geographic area under its influence. There are no specific...
"More than half of the world's population is at risk of the tropical diseases malaria, leprosy, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis,...
xi List of first authors xiii Acknowledgements xv INTRODUCTICN Approaches to radiolabelling blood d-c cells: past, present and future M. L. Thakur 3 CELL LABELLllJG TEDlNIQUES 2 Labelling techniques of granulocytes and platelets 17 with 111 In-oxinate M. R. Hardeman, E. G. J. Eitjes-van Overbeek, A. J. M. van Velzen, M. H. Rovekarnp 111rndium-labelling of human washed platelets; kinetics 3 29 and in vivo sequestration sites M. Eber, J. P. Cazenave, J. C. Grob, J. Abecassis, G. !o1ethlin 111Indium loss from platelets by in vitro and ex 4 44 vivo manipulation R. J. Hawker, C. E. Hall, H....
xi List of first authors xiii Acknowledgements xv INTRODUCTICN Approaches to radiolabelling blood d-c cells: past, present and future M. L. Thakur 3 C...
Radiophannaceuticals labeled with short-lived radionuclides are utilized to unravel biochemical processes, and to diagnosis and treat diseases of the living body are-developed through extensive evaluation in iological models. 'fhC first attempt to compile information was a volume entitled ANIMAL MODELS IN RADIOTRACER DESIGN that was edited by William C. Eckelman and myself in 1983. The volume had a focus on the animal models that investigators were using in order to design radiotracers that displayed in vivo selectivity as measured by biodistribution and pharmacokinetic studies. A concern in...
Radiophannaceuticals labeled with short-lived radionuclides are utilized to unravel biochemical processes, and to diagnosis and treat diseases of the ...