Inland saline waters are threatened worldwide by diversion and pollution of their inflows, introductions of exotic species and economic development of these ecologically valuable habitats. Since 1979 a series of international symposia on inland saline waters has served to strengthen and expand the scope of limnological research on inland saline waters. The seventh conference continued this tradition and the papers derived from the conference focused on the ecology of microbial communities, the influence of habitat geochemistry on biogeography of flora and fauna, physical and geochemical...
Inland saline waters are threatened worldwide by diversion and pollution of their inflows, introductions of exotic species and economic development of...
This volume provides a selection of the most significant papers presented at the Fourth Conference on Fish Telemetry in Europe, in Trondheim, Norway, in 2001. Papers are focused on migratory patterns and habitat utilisation, social behaviour, physiological ecology, fisheries management, effects of human impact on fish populations, aquaculture and methodology, and new technology.
This book is aimed at scientists and engineers actively involved in aquatic telemetry projects, aquatic biologists (marine and freshwater), fisheries biologists and managers.
This volume provides a selection of the most significant papers presented at the Fourth Conference on Fish Telemetry in Europe, in Trondheim, Norwa...
The idea of convening an international workshop on hypertrophic ecosystems originated during the 20th S.I.L. Congress in Copenhagen. A group of about 30 delegates met there in an informal gathering to discuss the specific problems of lakes which have reached a noxious stage of eutrophication. This ad hoc group realized its own specific identity within the limnological community and suggested the organization of a specialized future meeting on hypertrophic ecosystems. After two years of preparatory work, the workshop was fmally held in Vaxjo, Sweden, between September 10 and 14, 1979, on the...
The idea of convening an international workshop on hypertrophic ecosystems originated during the 20th S.I.L. Congress in Copenhagen. A group of about ...
During the last few years, lake acidification has become a topic of international interest because of the detrimental effects of this problem on lake ecosystems. The stratigraphic record of diatoms and other paleoindicators in lake sediments has been used increasingly to document past limnological conditions. Because many diatom taxa are sensitive indicators of lakewater pH, this approach is especially useful in assessing impacts of atmospheric pollutants and watershed land use on lake pH. The idea that a book be prepared on this subject originated at a workshop entitled 'Reconstructing pH...
During the last few years, lake acidification has become a topic of international interest because of the detrimental effects of this problem on lake ...
Ecotones are interface zones between different ecosystems. Their ecological role and significance with regard to ecological management and conservation has become increasingly appreciated. For the management of freshwater resources, for example, an improved understanding of the role of land/inland water interfaces, will be essential for reducing negative human impacts by engineering, nutrient loading, siltation, etc. The management of ecotones, on the other hand, offers the possibility to control aquatic system processes via stock control of fish populations. Fish apparently are both...
Ecotones are interface zones between different ecosystems. Their ecological role and significance with regard to ecological management and conservatio...
Oceans and lakes are characterized by large residence times and can thus be considered as being in an equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium state. In contrast, estuaries, which constitute the interface between the fresh water and marine ecosystems, are biogeochemically and physically very dynamic. Strong gradients in physical and chemical variables such as temperature, pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, amount and composition of particulates result from the mixing of fresh water and saline end members. These gradients provoke increased biogeochemical processes, generally resulting in a...
Oceans and lakes are characterized by large residence times and can thus be considered as being in an equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium state. In contr...
What sight is more beautiful than a high-energy beach facing lines of rolling white breakers? What battleground is more ferocious than where waves and sand meet? What environment could be more exciting to study than this sandy interface between sea and land? And yet how much do we know about sandy beaches? Open sandy beaches are amongst the most neglected fields of scientific study in the coastal environment. This situation exists despite their great extent along most temperate and tropical coastlines and their value as recreational areas and buffer zones against the sea. The traditional...
What sight is more beautiful than a high-energy beach facing lines of rolling white breakers? What battleground is more ferocious than where waves and...
Loch Lomond has long held a special place in the hearts of all the people of Scotland not only for its historic significance but also for the beauty of its countryside. Less widely known is the ecological importance of the area. It is the largest stretch of freshwater in Britain and the only loch to be crossed by the Highland Boundary Fault, one of the country's most important geological features. The University of Glasgow has recognized the importance of this loch situated so near the main campus and has operated a field station on its shores since 1948. In the mid-1960s the field...
Loch Lomond has long held a special place in the hearts of all the people of Scotland not only for its historic significance but also for the beauty o...
Limnology is increasingly concerned with water supply and the relation of man to aquatic environments. Without the continued availability of pure water, all progress in technology and other fields of human life will be to no avail. The global problems concerning clear water are already extremely pressing. More limnology knowledge is needed to solve these problems. The responsibility of man to save water and to take more intensive care of the environment is raised in many of the papers, in this book. This emphasizes the necessary and unquestionable relevance of limnology to human society. Too...
Limnology is increasingly concerned with water supply and the relation of man to aquatic environments. Without the continued availability of pure wate...
This book IS an attempt to review the state-of-the-art in the fields of limnology and of marine biology in the Sudan. The need for it became apparent while we were doing some joint field work in the Nile Valley and along the Red Sea coast. We feel that several reasons justify its publication. Firstly, a vast amount of information is being gathered year after year by the staff of the Hydrobiological Research U nit of the University of Khartoum, in conjunction with the faculties of Medicine and Agriculture of this university; much of this information fails to find an outlet to the scientific...
This book IS an attempt to review the state-of-the-art in the fields of limnology and of marine biology in the Sudan. The need for it became apparent ...