On May 15-18, 1961, the 12th Annual Symposium on Spectros copy was held in Chicago. Over the twelve-year history of this meeting, it has continually grown and now ranks as one of the major technical meetings in the field of spectroscopy. The scope of the program itself represents a balance between research applications and control applications, between applied and the more fundamental aspects of spectroscopy. Papers are presented each year in the specialty areas of X -ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, Raman, EPR, and NMR spectroscopy. In many instances over the years, excellent work has...
On May 15-18, 1961, the 12th Annual Symposium on Spectros copy was held in Chicago. Over the twelve-year history of this meeting, it has continually g...
With the eompletion of the 14th Annual Mid-Ameriea Speetroseopy Symposium another milestone was passed in the history of a most sueeess- ful endeavor. The Chieago, Cleveland, Detroit, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Niagara Frontier, and St. Louis Seetions of the Soeiety for Applied Spee- troseopy united to sponsor the finest of the regional meetings for the ad- vaneement of the scienee of speetroseopy. Enthusiastie response was ex- pressed by partieipants, speakers, and interested persons from several foreign eCiuntries, as weIl as eoast-to-eoast in the United States. Sessions on X-ray, infrared,...
With the eompletion of the 14th Annual Mid-Ameriea Speetroseopy Symposium another milestone was passed in the history of a most sueeess- ful endeavor....
This volume presents a collection of papers given at the 16th Mid -America Symposium on Spectroscopy held in Chicago, June 14-17, 1965. The Mid-America Symposium is sponsored annually by the Chicago Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy in cooperation with the St. Louis, Niagara Frontier, Cleveland, Detroit, lndianapolis, and Milwaukee Sections of the Society and the Chicago Gas Chromatography Discussion Group. Although we refer to this meeting as the Mid-America Symposium, it continues to attract attendance, interest, and inquiry from many parts of the world. Sessions on lnfrared,...
This volume presents a collection of papers given at the 16th Mid -America Symposium on Spectroscopy held in Chicago, June 14-17, 1965. The Mid-Americ...
Volume 9 of Developments in Applied Spectroscopy pr e- sents a collection of tventy-three selected papers presented during the 21st Mid-America Symposium on Spectroscopy, held in Chicago, June 2-5, 1970, In general. these papers are those of the symposium type and not papers pertaining to a specific research topic that one voul expect to find in the journals. The 21st Mid-America Symposium vas sponsored by the Chicago Section in cooperation vith Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indiana, Nev England, Nev York, Niagara Frontier and Ohio Vall ey Sections of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy, and the...
Volume 9 of Developments in Applied Spectroscopy pr e- sents a collection of tventy-three selected papers presented during the 21st Mid-America Sympos...
Volume 10 of Developments in Applied Spectroscopy presents a collection of twenty selected papers presented during the 10th National lleeting of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy held in St. Louis, Oct. 18-22, 1971. The 10th National Meeting was sponsored by the St. Louis Section, Society of Applied Spectroscopy in cooperation with Baltimore-Washington, Chicago, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Houston, Intermountain (Idaho Falls), Kansas City, New England, Niagra Frontier, Northern California, North Texas, Pittsburgh and Rocky Mountain (Denver) Sections of the Society and combined with the 22nd...
Volume 10 of Developments in Applied Spectroscopy presents a collection of twenty selected papers presented during the 10th National lleeting of the S...
Volume 8 of Developments in Applied Spectroscopy presents a collection of selected papers presented at special symposia and other sessions during the 20th Mid-America Symposium on Spectroscopy, held in Chicago, May 12-15, 1969. In general, these papers are those of the symposium type and not papers per- taining to a specific research topic that one would expect to find in the journals. The 20th Mid-America Symposium was sponsored by the Chicago Section in cooperation with the Niagara Frontier, Rocky Mountain, St. Louis, and Southeastern Sections of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy, and the...
Volume 8 of Developments in Applied Spectroscopy presents a collection of selected papers presented at special symposia and other sessions during the ...
Volume 6 of Developments in Applied Spectroscopy presents a collection of twenty-eight selected papers from those that were pre- sented at the Eighteenth Mid-America Symposium on Spectroscopy held in Chicago, May 15 to 18, 1967. In general, the papers selected by the editors are those of the symposium type and not those papers pertaining to a specific research topic that one expects to be sub- mitted to a journal. Not all of the submitted papers were included. Some revisions could not meet the deadline and others were not accepted based on the advice of the reviewers. It is the opinion of the...
Volume 6 of Developments in Applied Spectroscopy presents a collection of twenty-eight selected papers from those that were pre- sented at the Eightee...