For the editors of this book, as well as for many other researchers in the area of fault-tolerant computing, Dr. William Caswell Carter is one of the key figures in the formation and development of this important field. We felt that the IFIP Working Group 10.4 at Baden, Austria, in June 1986, which coincided with an important step in Bill's career, was an appropriate occasion to honor Bill's contributions and achievements by organizing a one- day "Symposium on the Evolution of Fault-Tolerant Computing" in the honor of William C. Carter. The Symposium, held on June 30, 1986, brought together a...
For the editors of this book, as well as for many other researchers in the area of fault-tolerant computing, Dr. William Caswell Carter is one of the ...
Software Diversity is one of the fault-tolerance means to achieve dependable systems. In this volume, some experimental systems as well as real-life applications of software diversity are presented. The history, the current state-of-the-art and future perspectives are given. Although this technique is used quite successfully in industrial applications, further research is necessary to solve some open questions. We hope to report on new results and applications in another volume of this series within some years. Acknowledgements The idea of the workshop was put forward by the chairpersons of...
Software Diversity is one of the fault-tolerance means to achieve dependable systems. In this volume, some experimental systems as well as real-life a...
The production of a new version of any book is a daunting task, as many authors will recognise. In the field of computer science, the task is made even more daunting by the speed with which the subject and its supporting technology move forward. Since the publication of the first edition of this book in 1981 much research has been conducted, and many papers have been written, on the subject of fault tolerance. Our aim then was to present for the first time the principles of fault tolerance together with current practice to illustrate those principles. We believe that the principles have (so...
The production of a new version of any book is a daunting task, as many authors will recognise. In the field of computer science, the task is made eve...
The International Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications was the first conference organized by IFIP Working Group 10. 4 Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance, in cooperation with the Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing of the IEEE Computer Society, and the Technical Committee 7 on Systems Reliability, Safety and Security of EWlCS. The rationale for the Working Conference is best expressed by the aims of WG 10. 4: Increasingly, individuals and organizations are developing or procuring sophisticated computing systems on whose services they need to...
The International Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications was the first conference organized by IFIP Working Group 10. 4 ...
This volume contains the papers presented at the Second International Work ing Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, sponsored by IFIP Working Group lOA and held in Tucson, Arizona on February 18-20, 1991. In keeping with the first such conference on this topic, which took place at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1989, this meeting was like wise concerned with an important basic question: Can we rely on Computers? In more precise terms, it addressed various aspects of computer system de pendability, a broad concept defined as th'e trustworthiness of...
This volume contains the papers presented at the Second International Work ing Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, sponsored...
For the second time the International Workshop on Responsive Com puter Systems has brought together a group of international experts from the fields of real-time computing, distributed computing, and fault tolerant systems. The two day workshop met at the splendid facilities at the KDD Research and Development Laboratories at Kamifukuoka, Saitama, in Japan on October 1 and 2, 1992. The program included a keynote address, a panel discussion and, in addition to the opening and closing session, six sessions of submitted presentations. The keynote address "The Concepts and Technologies of Depend...
For the second time the International Workshop on Responsive Com puter Systems has brought together a group of international experts from the fields o...
This volume contains the articles presented at the Fourth InternationallFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications held in San Diego, California, on January 4-6, 1994. In keeping with the previous three conferences held in August 1989 at Santa Barbara (USA), in February 1991 at Tucson (USA), and in September 1992 at Mondello (Italy), the conference was concerned with an important basic question: can we rely on computer systems for critical applications? This conference, like its predecessors, addressed various aspects of dependability, a broad term defined as the...
This volume contains the articles presented at the Fourth InternationallFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications held ...