In the fifth installment of James Patterson's action-packed Daniel X series, Daniel must now face an alien whose origins appear nearer to the depths of Hell than the outer reaches of the galaxy. Number Two on the List of Alien Outlaws is an unstoppable criminal that's slowly been amassing an underground army of disgusting, disgruntled, and dangerous aliens to help him enslave Earth's population. And it's all in preparation for the arrival of Number One, the most powerful alien in the universe and Daniel's arch-nemesis. To Daniel's horror, thousands of humans defect to the alien's side,...
In the fifth installment of James Patterson's action-packed Daniel X series, Daniel must now face an alien whose origins appear nearer to the depths o...
James Patterson's high-octane sci-fi adventure series comes to a white-knuckle conclusion in the final battle that Daniel X has been waiting for his entire life. In this sixth and last installment of the Daniel X series, the alien-hunting hero is finally ready to take on the biggest threat in the galaxy: The Prayer--the same beast that brutally murdered his parents long ago. But even with his incredible ability to create almost anything, Daniel will have to push his powers beyond the brink in order to bring down a monster that has the powers of a god. This epic showdown of good versus...
James Patterson's high-octane sci-fi adventure series comes to a white-knuckle conclusion in the final battle that Daniel X has been waiting for his e...
James Patterson's high-octane sci-fi adventure series comes to a white-knuckle conclusion in the final battle that Daniel X has been waiting for his entire life. In this sixth and last installment of the Daniel X series, the alien-hunting hero is finally ready to take on the biggest threat in the galaxy: The Prayer--the same beast that brutally murdered his parents long ago. But even with his incredible ability to create almost anything, Daniel will have to push his powers beyond the brink in order to bring down a monster that has the powers of a god. This epic showdown of good versus...
James Patterson's high-octane sci-fi adventure series comes to a white-knuckle conclusion in the final battle that Daniel X has been waiting for his e...