Set in a fictional end of the 19th century England, the story revolves around a teenage boy named Allen Walker who is cursed with a cross mark on his hand that turns his arm into an enormous weapon, which he uses to hunt down and kill akumas. An akuma, generated by a 1,000-year-old phantom, is implanted into a human's soul during a moment of devastation and despair. The phantom uses the demons to then carry out his goal: destroy all humankind.
Set in a fictional end of the 19th century England, the story revolves around a teenage boy named Allen Walker who is cursed with a cross mark on his ...
The Rewinding City: Allen and Linali are sent on a mission to a city where time has stood still, a place where the townsfolk forget that every day is the same day repeating itself. Strangely enough, a woman named Miranda is the only one unaffected by the time warp. Would it have anything to do with her being fired from her job for the hundredth time?
The Rewinding City: Allen and Linali are sent on a mission to a city where time has stood still, a place where the townsfolk forget that ev...
Allen starts to question the Black Ministry about the "Clan of Noah" and the reason he became an Exorcist. With his left eye injured and incapable of detecting akuma, he has come to understand the constant fear of not knowing whether the person he is talking to is truly human Despite his confusion, Allen is sent on a mission to seek out his master, Cross, one of the Marshals of the Black Ministry, and find out why the akuma have suddenly started targeting leaders of the Ministry.
Allen starts to question the Black Ministry about the "Clan of Noah" and the reason he became an Exorcist. With his left eye injured and incapable of ...
A horde of akuma is closing in on Allen, but instead of attacking him they mysteriously head right for another exorcist, Suman Dark His tragic story and the secret of his unique Innocence are revealed, but in the process Suman's life is threatened. Allen tries his best to save his comrade by putting himself in grave danger
A horde of akuma is closing in on Allen, but instead of attacking him they mysteriously head right for another exorcist, Suman Dark His tragic story ...
Allen has disappeared. Lavi and Lenalee rush to find him, only to wind up confronting a horde of akuma pursuing Allen's golem Timcanpy. After dealing with this they are ordered to continue their mission without Allen, his place to be taken by a new Exorcist--Miranda Lotto. Allen, meanwhile, wakes up inside the Asian Branch of the Black Ministry to the sobering reality that he has lost his Innocence
Allen has disappeared. Lavi and Lenalee rush to find him, only to wind up confronting a horde of akuma pursuing Allen's golem Timcanpy. After dealing ...
The battle on the sea continues, with the swarm of evolved akuma pressing hard on the Exorcists. Lenalee tries to tackle one akuma on her own, but realizes she can prevail only by unleashing the full force of her Innocence. Back on the ship Lavi prepares to call on a special attribute of his own Innocence. Will any of this be enough? Can the Exorcists hold on, or will they need help that may or may not come?
The battle on the sea continues, with the swarm of evolved akuma pressing hard on the Exorcists. Lenalee tries to tackle one akuma on her own, but rea...
R to L (Japanese Style) Set in a fictional 19th century England, D.Gray-man is the story of Allen Walker, a 15-year-old boy who roams the earth in search of Innocence. Washed away to unknown parts of the world after the Great Flood, Innocence is the mysterious substance used to create weapons that obliterate demons known as akuma. Fight to the DebtKrory, trapped with seemingly no hope of escape, receives a visitation from the last person he thought he would ever see again. As for his comrades, they continue their struggle through the Ark until they meet up with Tyki Mikk, who wishes a...
R to L (Japanese Style) Set in a fictional 19th century England, D.Gray-man is the story of Allen Walker, a 15-year-old boy who roams the earth in...
R to L (Japanese Style) Set in a fictional 19th century England, D.Gray-man is the story of Allen Walker, a 15-year-old boy who roams the earth in search of Innocence. Washed away to unknown parts of the world after the Great Flood, Innocence is the mysterious substance used to create weapons that obliterate demons known as akuma. The Voice of Darkness Believing he's finally taken care of Tyki Mikk, Allen is brought up short by Road and presented with a stark choice--if he wishes to rescue Lenalee and Chaoji, he must destroy his friend Lavi Allen refuses to do it, little...
R to L (Japanese Style) Set in a fictional 19th century England, D.Gray-man is the story of Allen Walker, a 15-year-old boy who roams the earth in...
Cursed teenage boy saves mankind one soul at a time. Set in a fictional 19th century England, D.Gray-man is the story of Allen Walker, a 15-year-old boy who roams the Earth in search of Innocence. Washed away to unknown parts of the world after The Great Flood, Innocence is the mysterious substance used to create weapons that obliterate demons known as akuma. With Allen Walker once more in their ranks, the Exorcists soldier into the fabled Ark of Noah. In almost no time they encounter opposition in the form of two young Noah possessing startling powers. The Noah, however, seem less...
Cursed teenage boy saves mankind one soul at a time. Set in a fictional 19th century England, D.Gray-man is the story of Allen Walker, a 15-year-old b...
R to L (Japanese Style). Song of the ArkCross Marian is about to finish off Tyki Mikk when the Millennium Earl barges in, spreading chaos and destruction in every direction The Earl's plan to build a new Ark using data downloads from the old one seems unstoppable, until Allen encounters a strange apparition that tells him to play the piano. Allen would be more than happy to oblige, but there's one slight problem--he never learned how
R to L (Japanese Style). Song of the ArkCross Marian is about to finish off Tyki Mikk when the Millennium Earl barges in, spreading chaos and d...