Evolution and Religion in American Education shines a light into one of America's dark educational corners, exposing the regressive pedagogy that can invade science classrooms when school boards and state overseers take their eyes off the ball. It sets out to examine the development of college students' attitudes towards biological evolution through their lives. The fascinating insights provided by interviewing students about their world views adds up to a compelling case for additional scrutiny of the way young people's educational experiences unfold as they consider-and indeed in some cases...
Evolution and Religion in American Education shines a light into one of America's dark educational corners, exposing the regressive pedagogy that can ...
The focus of the book is on different ways of knowing: the western scientific way (reductionist, dualistic and materialist) versus the indigenous approach (holistic, non-dualistic, and spiritual). It discusses both science and medicine in the context of the challenges experienced in introducing science and medicine into Africa through imperialism, colonization, and globalization. It looks at selected indigenous African paradigms, the dominant western paradigms, and the practitioners that represent these practices. The book deals with questions concerning compatibility and incompatibility of...
The focus of the book is on different ways of knowing: the western scientific way (reductionist, dualistic and materialist) versus the indigenous appr...
This volume takes on the vital tasks of celebrating, challenging, and attempting to move forward our understanding of equity and diversity in science education. Organized thematically, the book explores five key areas of science education equity research: science education policy; globalization; context and culture; discourse, language and identity; and leadership and social networking. Chapter authors -- emerging to established US science education scholars -- present their latest research on how to make science interesting and accessible to all students. The volume includes international...
This volume takes on the vital tasks of celebrating, challenging, and attempting to move forward our understanding of equity and diversity in science ...
Reflecting the very latest theory on diversity issues in science education, including new dialogic approaches, this volume explores the subject from a range of perspectives and draws on studies from around the world. The work discusses fundamental topics such as how we conceptualize diversity as well as examining the ways in which heterogeneous cultural constructs influence the teaching and learning of science in a range of contexts.
Including numerous strategies ready for adoption by interested teachers, the book addresses the varied cultural factors that influence engagement...
Reflecting the very latest theory on diversity issues in science education, including new dialogic approaches, this volume explores the subject fro...
This collection examines issues of agency, power, politics and identity as they relate to science and technology and education, within contemporary settings. Social, economic and ecological critique and reform are examined by numerous contributing authors, from a range of international contexts. These chapters examine pressing pedagogical questions within socio-scientific contexts, including petroleum economies, food justice, health, environmentalism, climate change, social media and biotechnologies. Readers will discover far reaching inquiries into activism as an open question for...
This collection examines issues of agency, power, politics and identity as they relate to science and technology and education, within contemporary...
This book addresses new research directions focusing on the emotional and aesthetic nature of teaching and learning science informing more general insights about wellbeing. It considers methodological traditions including those informed by philosophy, sociology, psychology and education and how they contribute to our understanding of science education. In this collection, the authors provide accounts of the underlying ontological, epistemological, methodological perspectives and theoretical assumptions that inform their work and that of others. Each chapter provides a perspective on the study...
This book addresses new research directions focusing on the emotional and aesthetic nature of teaching and learning science informing more general ins...
The focus of the book is on different ways of knowing: the western scientific way (reductionist, dualistic and materialist) versus the indigenous approach (holistic, non-dualistic, and spiritual).
The focus of the book is on different ways of knowing: the western scientific way (reductionist, dualistic and materialist) versus the indigenous appr...
This edited volume provides theoretical and practical resources relating to the 'STEPWISE' curricular and instructional framework. 'STEPWISE' is the acronym for Science & Technology Education Promoting Wellbeing for Individuals, Societies & Environments. It is a framework for organizing teaching and learning domains in ways that prioritize personal and social actions to address 'critical socioscientific issues' -- that is, controversial decisions by powerful individuals/groups about science and technology (and related fields) that may adversely affect individuals, societies and/or...
This edited volume provides theoretical and practical resources relating to the 'STEPWISE' curricular and instructional framework. 'STEPWISE' is th...
This exciting new book advances current practice-based and theoretical knowledge around how youth defines and engages with consumerism to provoke a larger conversation within science and environmental education. It is also geared towards unveiling those literacy praxes that can assist youth to adopt more ethically-oriented consumerist habits. More specifically, this book studies how youth's participation in the global consumer market intersects with media technologies, new literacies, as well as science and the environment from sociocultural perspectives. In addition, it considers how school...
This exciting new book advances current practice-based and theoretical knowledge around how youth defines and engages with consumerism to provoke a la...
Critical examinations target specifically those who are researching in the fields of science education research to question whether conventional research approaches, foci and theoretical approaches are sufficient in a world of science education that is neither politically neutral, nor free of cultural values.
Critical examinations target specifically those who are researching in the fields of science education research to question whether conventional resea...