In this book, Charles Acland examines the culture that has produced both our heightened state of awareness and the bedrock reality of youth violence in the United States. Beginning with a critique of statistical evidence of youth violence, Acland compares and juxtaposes a variety of popular cultural representations of what has come to be a perceived crisis of American youth.After examining the dominant paradigms for scholarly research into youth deviance, Acland explores the ideas circulating in the popular media about a sensational crime known as the "preppy murder" and the confession to...
In this book, Charles Acland examines the culture that has produced both our heightened state of awareness and the bedrock reality of youth violence i...
Postmodernism and the Politics of 'Culture' is a comparative critical analysis of the political and intellectual ambitions of postmodernist critical theory and the academic discipline of cultural studies. Katz's polemical aim is to show that cultural studies comes up short in both areas, because its practitioners focus on too-narrow issues-primarily, celebrating the folkways of micro-communities-while denying the very possibility of studying, understanding, and changing society in any comprehensive way and to any universally beneficial purpose. He argues that scholars and activists...
Postmodernism and the Politics of 'Culture' is a comparative critical analysis of the political and intellectual ambitions of postmodernist cri...
The essays in Turning the Century make a significant contribution to our understanding of America's love affairs with novelty and the mass media. The essays also show that neither the current communications revolution nor the response to it is unprecedented. Through this book, Carol Stabile provides a historical context within which scholars and students of American culture can interpret and understand end-of-the-millennium-fever --particularly, the claims of politicians, pundits, and even cultural studies scholars who maintain that recent information technology innovations make the...
The essays in Turning the Century make a significant contribution to our understanding of America's love affairs with novelty and the mass medi...
Dystopian narrative is a product of the social ferment of the twentieth century. A hundred years of war, famine, disease, state terror, genocide, ecocide, and the depletion of humanity through the buying and selling of everyday life provided fertile ground for this fictive underside of the utopian imagination. From the classical works by E. M. Forster, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, and Margaret Atwood, through the new maps of hell in postwar science fiction, and most recently in the dystopian turn of the 1980s and 1990s, this narrative machine has produced challenging...
Dystopian narrative is a product of the social ferment of the twentieth century. A hundred years of war, famine, disease, state terror, genocide, ecoc...
During the 1950s, US Army medical officers noted a new and puzzling syndrome that contemporary psychiatry could not explain nor cure. These doctors reported that Puerto Rican soldiers under stress behaved in a very peculiar and dramatic manner, exhibiting a theatrical form of pseudo-epilepsy. Startled physicians observed frightened and disoriented patients foaming at the mouth, screaming, biting, kicking, shaking in seizures and fainting. The phenomenon seemed to correspond to a serious neurological disease yet, as with some forms of hysteria, physical examination failed to identify any sign...
During the 1950s, US Army medical officers noted a new and puzzling syndrome that contemporary psychiatry could not explain nor cure. These doctors re...
Covering Niagara: Studies in Local Popular Culture closely examines some of the myriad forms of popular culture in the Niagara region of Canada. Essays consider common assumptions and definitions of what popular culture is and seek to determine whether broad theories of popular culture can explain or make sense of localized instances of popular culture and the cultural experiences of people in their daily lives. Among the many topics covered are local bicycle parades and war memorials, cooking and wine culture, radio and movie-going, music stores and music scenes, tourist sites,...
Covering Niagara: Studies in Local Popular Culture closely examines some of the myriad forms of popular culture in the Niagara region of Ca...
Making It Like a Man: Canadian Masculinities in Practice is a collection of essays on the practice of masculinities in Canadian arts and cultures, where to "make it like a man" is to participate in the cultural, sociological, and historical fluidity of ways of being a man in Canada, from the country's origins in nineteenth-century Victorian values to its immersion in the contemporary post-modern landscape.
The book focuses on the ways Canadian masculinities have been performed and represented through five broad themes: colonialism, nationalism, and transnationalism;...
Making It Like a Man: Canadian Masculinities in Practice is a collection of essays on the practice of masculinities in Canadian arts and cu...
Popular newspapers like the British The Sun and the German Bild regularly invite controversy over their morals and methods, power and responsibility, political and social impact. At best, their reporting is rejected as trivial, vulgar and tasteless; at worst, it is deemed hazardous to the workings of democratic society. Yet, the papers are able to attract large audiences, and contribute significantly to the daily lives of millions of readers. This book looks at popular newspapers from an audience point of view. Examining the crucial relationship between news and entertainment, it provides...
Popular newspapers like the British The Sun and the German Bild regularly invite controversy over their morals and methods, power and responsibility, ...
When Technocultures Collide provides rich and diverse studies of collision courses between technologically inspired subcultures and the corporate and governmental entities they seek to undermine. The adventures and exploits of computer hackers, phone phreaks, urban explorers, calculator and computer collectors, "CrackBerry" users, whistle-blowers, Yippies, zinsters, roulette cheats, chess geeks, and a range of losers and tinkerers feature prominently in this volume. Gary Genosko analyzes these practices for their remarkable diversity and their innovation and leaps of imagination. He assesses...
When Technocultures Collide provides rich and diverse studies of collision courses between technologically inspired subcultures and the corporate and ...
The central focus of Reclaiming Canadian Bodies is the relationship between visual media, the construction of Canadian national identity, and notions of embodiment. It asks how particular representations of bodies are constructed and performed within the context of visual and discursive mediated content. The book emphasizes the ways individuals destabilize national mainstream visual tropes, which in turn have the potential to destabilize nationalist messages.
Drawing upon rich empirical research and relevant theory, the contributors ask how and why particular bodies (of...
The central focus of Reclaiming Canadian Bodies is the relationship between visual media, the construction of Canadian national identity, an...