The essays in this collection offer new evidence and new conclusions on topics in the history of African Americans in Virginia such as the demography of early slave imports, the means used to regulate slave labor, the situation of female hired slaves in the backcountry, African American women in the Civil War era, and the Garveyite grassroots organizations of the 1920s.
The essays in this collection offer new evidence and new conclusions on topics in the history of African Americans in Virginia such as the demography ...
Eight essays, perhaps from a June 1995 conference in Ann Arbor, recount specific stories and examine themes associated with African-Americans who sided with the British during the US war for independence. Among their perspectives are their military role in the war, history and material culture, blac
Eight essays, perhaps from a June 1995 conference in Ann Arbor, recount specific stories and examine themes associated with African-Americans who side...
A new wave historian mines previously unexamined documents of the Amite county seat courthouse (Liberty, MS) in relating the lives of black Americans under and freed from slavery. Main foci are: slave law, gender issues, local churches, the troubles of 1861-65 as related in a slaveowner's diary wi
A new wave historian mines previously unexamined documents of the Amite county seat courthouse (Liberty, MS) in relating the lives of black Americans ...
This work is a study of the ideas and achievements of Booker T. Washington, the most influential African American leader of the period 1881-1915. Washington's program for racial uplift is assessed in the context of the key political, social and economic developments of his era, in a work which both incorporates original research and a synthesis of modern scholarship.
This work is a study of the ideas and achievements of Booker T. Washington, the most influential African American leader of the period 1881-1915. Wash...