This book develops methods for describing random dynamical systems, and it illustrats how the methods can be used in a variety of applications. Appeals to researchers and graduate students who require tools to investigate stochastic systems.
This book develops methods for describing random dynamical systems, and it illustrats how the methods can be used in a variety of applications. App...
Solitons were discovered by John Scott Russel in 1834, and have interested scientists and mathematicians ever since. They have been the subject of a large body of research in a wide variety of fields of physics and mathematics, not to mention engineering and other branches of science such as biology. This volume comprises the written versions of the talks presented at a workshop held at Queen's University in 1997, an interdisciplinary meeting wherein top researchers from many fields could meet, interact, and exchange ideas. Topics covered include mathematical and numerical aspects of...
Solitons were discovered by John Scott Russel in 1834, and have interested scientists and mathematicians ever since. They have been the subject of a l...
The present volume has its source in the CAP-CRM summer school on "Particles and Fields" that was held in Banff in the summer of 1994. Over the years, the Division of Theoretical Physics of the Canadian Associa tion of Physicists (CAP) has regularly sponsored such schools on various theoretical and experimental topics. In 1994, the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (CRM) lent its support to the event. This institute, located in Montreal, is one of Canada's national research centers in the mathe matical sciences. Its mandate includes the organization of scientific events across Canada and...
The present volume has its source in the CAP-CRM summer school on "Particles and Fields" that was held in Banff in the summer of 1994. Over the years,...