This reader is designed to make accessible in one volume, to lay person and academic, student and teacher alike, key readings to stimulate debate about and within critical realism. The four parts cover: the transcendmental realist philosophy of science elaborated in A Realist Theory of Science, by Roy Bhaskar; Bhaskar's naturalist philosophy of social science; the theory of explanatory critique, which is central to critical realism; and the theme of dialectice, which is central to Bhaskar's most recent writings. The volume includes extracts from Bhaskar's books, as well as selections from...
This reader is designed to make accessible in one volume, to lay person and academic, student and teacher alike, key readings to stimulate debate abou...
This text is one of the cornerstones of the critical realist position, which is now widely seen as offering a viable alternative to move positivism and post modernism. This revised edition includes a new foreword. A Realist Theory of Science (originally 1975, reprinted Verso, 1996).
This text is one of the cornerstones of the critical realist position, which is now widely seen as offering a viable alternative to move positivism an...
Being and Worth extends recent depth-realist philosophy to the question of values. It argues that beings both in the natural and human worlds have worth in themselves, whether we recognise it or not. This view is defended through and account of the human mind as essentially concerned with that of which it is independent. Conclusions follow both for environmental ethics - that natural beings should be valued for themselves, not just for their use to us - and for justice in the human world, based on the idea that humans are unique and equal in respect of 'having a life to live'.
Being and Worth extends recent depth-realist philosophy to the question of values. It argues that beings both in the natural and human worlds...
There are continuing difficulties within social science surrounding concepts of race. This book suggests that these difficulties stem from the uncertain ontological and epistemological status of ideas about race, itself a consequence of the recognition that concepts of race have all but lost their relevance as sociologically significant descriptions. This book surveys ways in which social scientists have attempted to come to terms with this situation, before developing an alternative approach based on recent work by realist authors. This approach offers a radical revision of orthodox...
There are continuing difficulties within social science surrounding concepts of race. This book suggests that these difficulties stem from the uncerta...
Rational Choice Theory is flourishing in sociology and is increasingly influential in other disciplines. Contributors to this volume are convinced that it provides an inadequate conceptualization of all aspects of decision making: of the individuals who make the decisions, of the process by which decisions get made and of the context within which decisions get made. The ciritique focuses on the four assumptions which are the bedrock of rational choice: rationality: the theory's definition of rationality is incomplete, and cannot satisfactorily incorporate norms and emotions...
Rational Choice Theory is flourishing in sociology and is increasingly influential in other disciplines. Contributors to this volume are conv...
Realism has been one of the most powerful new developments in philosophy and the social sciences and is now making an increasing impact in business and management studies. This is the first book-length treatment of critical realism in business and management.
It pulls together a wide range of material which is all explicitly or implicitly rooted in philosophical realism, and combines theoretical writing with substantive contributions addressing issues such as the nature of the firm and the labour process which together demonstrates that realism is a powerful alternative to...
Realism has been one of the most powerful new developments in philosophy and the social sciences and is now making an increasing impact in business...
This book examines the relationship between critical realism and Marxism. The authors argue that critical realism and Marxism have much to gain from each other. This is the first book to address the controversial debates between critical realism and Marxism, and it does so from a wide range if disciplines. The authors argue that whilst one book cannot answer all the questions about the relationship between critical realism and Marxism, this book does provide some significant answers. In doing so, Critical Realism and Marxism reveals a potentially fruitful relationship; deepens our...
This book examines the relationship between critical realism and Marxism. The authors argue that critical realism and Marxism have much to gain from e...
In this innovative book, theorists and researchers from various social science disciplines explore the potential of realist social theory for empirical research. The examples are drawn from a wide range of fields health and medicine, crime, housing, sociolinguistics, development theory and deal with issues such as causality, probability, and reflexivity in social science. Varied and lively contributions relate central methodological issues to detailed accounts of research projects which adopt a realist framework. Making Realism Work provides an accessible discussion of a...
In this innovative book, theorists and researchers from various social science disciplines explore the potential of realist social theory for empirica...
In this book Christopher Norris develops the case for scientific realism by tackling various adversary arguments from a range of anti-realist positions. Through a close critical reading he shows how they fail to make adequate sense on any rational, consistent, and scientifically-informed survey of the evidence. Along the way he incorporates a number of detailed case-studies from the history and philosophy of science. Norris devotes much of his discussion to some of the most prominent and widely influential source-texts of anti-realism. Also included are the sophisticated versions of...
In this book Christopher Norris develops the case for scientific realism by tackling various adversary arguments from a range of anti-realist position...
Atheism as a belief does not have to present intellectual credentials within academia. Yet to hold beliefs means giving reasons for doing so, ones which may be found wanting. Instead, atheism is the automatic default setting within the academic world.
Conversely, religious belief confronts a double standard. Religious believers are not permitted to make truth claims but are instead forced to present their beliefs as part of one language game amongst many. Religious truth claims are expected to satisfy empiricist criteria of evidence but when they fail, as they must, religious belief...
Atheism as a belief does not have to present intellectual credentials within academia. Yet to hold beliefs means giving reasons for doing so, ones whi...