Most aviation accidents are attributed to human error, pilot error especially. Human error also greatly effects productivity and profitability. In his overview of this collection of papers, the editor points out that these facts are often misinterpreted as evidence of deficiency on the part of operators involved in accidents. Human factors research reveals a more accurate and useful perspective: The errors made by skilled human operators - such as pilots, controllers, and mechanics - are not root causes but symptoms of the way industry operates. The papers selected for this volume have...
Most aviation accidents are attributed to human error, pilot error especially. Human error also greatly effects productivity and profitability. In his...
Crew Resource Management (CRM) training was first introduced in the late 1970s as a means to combating an increased number of accidents in which poor teamwork in the cockpit was a significant contributing factor. Since then, CRM training has expanded beyond the cockpit, for example, to cabin crews, maintenance crews, health care teams, nuclear power teams, and offshore oil teams. Not only has CRM expanded across communities, it has also drawn from a host of theories from multiple disciplines and evolved through a number of generations. Furthermore, a host of methodologies and tools have been...
Crew Resource Management (CRM) training was first introduced in the late 1970s as a means to combating an increased number of accidents in which poor ...