Each book in The Creoles Series revolves around one of four girls who become close friends while attending a convent school in New Orleans. The third book, The Alchemy focuses on Simone d'Or, a vivacious young woman hardened by high society life, and Colin Seymour, a talented young man from humble beginnings. As the famed singer and composer Lord Beaufort nurtures Colin's singing voice, Colin rises to stardom in the opera world. At first, Simone judges Colin as a man beneath her standing, but after hearing Colin at the opera, she finds herself captivated by his talent and passion....
Each book in The Creoles Series revolves around one of four girls who become close friends while attending a convent school in New Orleans. The thi...
The Creoles Series tells the stories of four young women who attend the Ursuline Convent School in New Orleans during the early nineteenth century. Each book is a romantic adventure that focuses on one woman as she faces the trials of life and faith. In this striking conclusion to The Creoles Series, Gilbert Morris delivers his award-winning storytelling, told against a cultural background unique to this series alone.
Abandoned as an infant on the steps of the Ursuline Convent School, Leonie Vernay has endured the emotional and financial poverty of an orphan. Now a young woman making...
The Creoles Series tells the stories of four young women who attend the Ursuline Convent School in New Orleans during the early nineteenth century....