The discipline of psychiatry is foundational to understanding a wide range of modern concepts, from personality and responsibility through to illness and deviancy. A sense of identities, motivations and patterns of behaviour are drawn from modern psychiatric ideas.
Psychiatry in Modern Britain provides a broad overview of psychiatric practice in Britain from the beginning of state-regulated asylums through to the advent of current policies of pharmaceutical treatment and community care.
Drawing on archival evidence and contemporary historiographical controversies, this...
The discipline of psychiatry is foundational to understanding a wide range of modern concepts, from personality and responsibility through to illne...
Medicine Along the Silk Roads is the ideal introductory text for students looking to gain a firm understanding of the various Eurasian medical traditions that existed along the Silk Road route. The book also discusses the interesting transmissions and interactions that have occurred between these differing medical traditions throughout history.
Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim provides brief overviews of Chinese traditional medicine, as well as Tibetan, Indian, Syriac, Islamic, Jewish and Greco-Roman medicines, presenting the basic notions of each. All of the chapters also come with...
Medicine Along the Silk Roads is the ideal introductory text for students looking to gain a firm understanding of the various Eurasian medic...