An exhaustive reference for mental and behavioral health
The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science provides psychologists, researchers, teachers, and students with a complete reference for the field. Comprehensive coverage includes diagnoses, assessment, scales, treatments, research, and more, including entries for influential psychologists and psychological organizations from around the globe. The Third Edition has been updated to reflect the growing impact of neuroscience and biomedical research, and contains over 1,200 entries across the...
An exhaustive reference for mental and behavioral health
The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science provide...
A complete reference to the fields of psychology and behavioral science
Volume 4 is the final volume in The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science series. Providing psychologists, teachers, researchers, and students with complete reference for over 1,200 topics across four volumes, this resource in invaluable for both clinical and research settings. Coverage includes conditions, assessments, scales, diagnoses, treatments, and more, including biographies on psychologists of note and psychological organizations from across the globe. The...
A complete reference to the fields of psychology and behavioral science
Volume 4 is the final volume in The Corsini Encyclo...