Since the 1970s social security in the European Union has been dominated by attempts at reform and cost control. In the last decade of the twentieth century these attempts have been strengthened by the coming European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). This book offers an overview of the social security system and its development in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom. The national contributions are preceded by an introduction on the development of social security in Europe till the present day, with special reference to the...
Since the 1970s social security in the European Union has been dominated by attempts at reform and cost control. In the last decade of the twentieth c...
Telecommunication markets are characterized by a dynamic development of technology and market structures. The specific features of network-based markets, convergence of previously separate spheres and the complex task of market regulation put traditional theoretical approaches as well as current regulatory policies to the test. This book sheds light on some of the challenges ahead. It covers a vast range of subjects from the intricacies of market regulation to new markets for mobile and internet-related services. The diffusion of broadband technology and the emergence of new business...
Telecommunication markets are characterized by a dynamic development of technology and market structures. The specific features of network-based marke...
This work seeks to propose a methodological basis for regional development analysis based on vector calculus. Existing taxonomic methods are developed further in order to assess regions and micro-regions with regard to their socio-economic and environmental development. In addition to its methodological contribution, this book thus contributes to a framework of comparative assessment of regions and an analysis of underlying factors for regional development and investment decisions. In order to simplify the practical implementation of the presented concepts, the author proposes an IT...
This work seeks to propose a methodological basis for regional development analysis based on vector calculus. Existing taxonomic methods are develo...
This book is one of the ?nal products of a research project on the effects of market imperfectionson economic behavior and decisions. The project was put together by four Italian universities (Universita di Roma Tor Vergata and La Sapienza U- versita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Piacenza and the Universita di Urbino Carlo Bo ) in 2005 and funded by the Italian Ministry of Higher Education and Research for the period 2006 2007. The research title of the project Corporate governance, ?nancial systems and ?rms performances was indicative of its agenda: to inv- tigate the role of market...
This book is one of the ?nal products of a research project on the effects of market imperfectionson economic behavior and decisions. The project was ...
This volume is the second book based on comparative and comprehensive data from the 2003 representative European Union Company survey of Operating hours, Working times and Employment (EUCOWE) in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. The EUCOWE project is the first representative and standardised European company survey which covers all categories of firm sizes and all sectors of the economy. This volume complements and builds on the first book published in 2007, in which the methodology and the descriptive national findings as well as some first comparative...
This volume is the second book based on comparative and comprehensive data from the 2003 representative European Union Company survey of Operating hou...
The creation of a single monetary currency and a single monetary policy in the euro area has faced extraordinary challenges, among them the design of suitable monetary policy instruments. This book evaluates monetary policy instruments of the Eurosystem against a number of requirements. To do so, a theoretical model framework is developed which brings together the monetary policy activities of a central bank and the liquidity management of banks considering the main characteristics and institutional features of the euro area.
The creation of a single monetary currency and a single monetary policy in the euro area has faced extraordinary challenges, among them the design ...
Insurance intermediaries can help consumers to economize on information and transaction costs in insurance markets. This book analyzes conduct and performance in the market for insurance information services by applying search theoretical and industrial organization approaches. Based on a sample of 927 insurance intermediaries, coverage empirically studies the factors that affect the quality of the information services provided by them.
Insurance intermediaries can help consumers to economize on information and transaction costs in insurance markets. This book analyzes conduct and ...
Corporate governance has been at the center of interest in the corporate- nance literature for the past decade. The discussion has continuously int- si?ed due to the occurrence of multiple corporate governance failures which have triggered the introduction or further re?nement of national and inter- tional corporate governance codes. The necessity of regulatory action however rests on the need for a sound understanding of potentially negative e?ects of ownership structure on ?nancial performance. Unfortunately, the empirical literature so far has not delivered consistent evidence leaving the...
Corporate governance has been at the center of interest in the corporate- nance literature for the past decade. The discussion has continuously int- s...
Europe suffers from an inadequate capacity to transform scientific and technolo- cal knowledge into business opportunities ] A strong collective effort will be needed in the area of innovation ] To make any real impact on the unemployment problem and the future of forthcoming generations, macroeconomic policies must be backed up by an equally far-sighted range of microeconomic measures ] This range of measures must above all include an extra special effort in the area of training of all types of human resources, of stepping up investment in - search and development and the development...
Europe suffers from an inadequate capacity to transform scientific and technolo- cal knowledge into business opportunities ] A strong collective eff...
Negotiations are of increasing importance in highly regulated sectors, particularly in the network industries such as telecommunications and transport. In general, negotiating partners in these markets are not equal with regard to their various sources and instruments of power. This analysis shows that negotiations are possible and can be efficient for all actors, even when power is distributed asymmetrically. In this respect Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms are discussed as an alternative to conventional negotiations. Thus, this book is highly relevant for all those wanting...
Negotiations are of increasing importance in highly regulated sectors, particularly in the network industries such as telecommunications and transp...