In Face to Face noted commentators on the American scene explore ways of coming to terms with father's authority so that individuals may assert autonomy while preserving and enhancing a sense of community. Fears of all-embracing mother must be confronted so that women's authentic values can be released into the larger world. The book invites women and men alike to confront the obstacles of inequitable social structures, the elitist myths that sustain them, and the primordial fears that lie at their base. Outstanding contributors--Christopher Lasch, Dorothy Dinnerstein, Jessie Bernard,...
In Face to Face noted commentators on the American scene explore ways of coming to terms with father's authority so that individuals may assert aut...
The first edition of Ellis Mount's "University Science and Engineering Libraries" pioneered in this specialized branch of library service. This new edition covers all aspects of science and technical libraries at both colleges and universities. Problems and techniques of management, technical services, user services, collection management, and physical facilities are discussed in detail. More importantly, this edition has been thoroughly updated and includes greater emphasis on computer applications, networks, consortia, and the use of the latest technology. As part of the research for...
The first edition of Ellis Mount's "University Science and Engineering Libraries" pioneered in this specialized branch of library service. This new...
Gall has compiled what is almost certainly the definitive study of right-to-work campaigns at the national and state levels since the early 1940's. . . . The author's emphasis on carefully documenting these campaigns means that this book will primarily interest specialists in political science and labor history. Further, this book will be a handy reference source for other readers who want to separate rhetoric from reality on this contentious issue. "Choice"
"The Politics of Right to Work" presents both a comprehensive history of organized labor's response to the challenges posed by the...
Gall has compiled what is almost certainly the definitive study of right-to-work campaigns at the national and state levels since the early 1940's....
This is an important book because its focus is critical, and its aim is to demystify the prevailing ideology of school reform. Perhaps never has the argument been greater than now for democracy and the restoration of human subjectivity and agency, two very important aspects of this collection of critical essays. The introductory essay is excellent in its elucidation of the world political economy of the 1980s and current educational reforms. It sets a clear direction for the remainder of the book, which is noteworthy for its organiational, conceptual, and written clarity. Topics include...
This is an important book because its focus is critical, and its aim is to demystify the prevailing ideology of school reform. Perhaps never has th...
This work on children's literature about Asians and Asian-Americans is an exemplary bibliography for teachers, librarians, and others responsible for selecting and recommending suitable reading materials for children and young adults to increase their knowledge and understanding of Asian peoples and cultures. The presence of children of all ethnic groups in American schools has made reading about other cultures an essential part of the curriculum. Public libraries serving a multiethnic community will also find this bibliography a helpful readers' guide. "ARBA"
This bibliography devoted...
This work on children's literature about Asians and Asian-Americans is an exemplary bibliography for teachers, librarians, and others responsible f...
Contrary to popular belief, the automobile is not a twentieth-century invention. A steam-powered version of this vehicle was in use in Great Britain as early as the 1830s, and both steam- and petroleum-powered automobiles were operating in France and Germany by 1880. This volume traces the world political and economic forces that brought about the suppression of the first steam-powered carriage and the ultimate triumph of the gas-fueled automobile, which has played a crucial role in shaping the modern capitalist economy.
Contrary to popular belief, the automobile is not a twentieth-century invention. A steam-powered version of this vehicle was in use in Great Britai...