Herbert McCabe, who died in 2001, was one of the most intelligent Roman Catholic thinkers of the twentieth century. An influence on philosophers such as Anthony Kenny and Alasdair MacIntyre he was also befriended by poets and literary critics such as Seamus Heaney and Terry Eagleton. Equally at home in philosophy and theology, he despised jargon and intellectual posturing as a substitute for reason and argument. At the time of his death, he left a wealth of unpublished material- so outstanding in its quality and originality that it is surprising that it was never published in book form....
Herbert McCabe, who died in 2001, was one of the most intelligent Roman Catholic thinkers of the twentieth century. An influence on philosophers su...
For two years King guided a research project on Women and Christianity, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. For most of the religions of the world, women are a problem. From time immemorial they have been subordinate to men, second class in the family.
For two years King guided a research project on Women and Christianity, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. For most of the religions of the world, w...
In The Tripersonal God, Gerald O'Collins examines the roots and development of Trinitarian belief, drawing on three areas for reflection:
Testimony to the tripersonal God in the scriptures - both the Old Testament background and the teachings of Paul and the gospel writers
The development of Trinitarian doctrine from the second-century writers and the early councils of the Church through medieval theology and modern challenges
Major Trinitarian issues of today, such as naming the Trinity, the distinct personal existence of the Holy Spirit and Trinitarian...
In The Tripersonal God, Gerald O'Collins examines the roots and development of Trinitarian belief, drawing on three areas for reflection: