Leading gene therapy researchers and clinicians illuminate the field-from basic vector technology to current and future clinical applications in neurology. The authoritative contributors provide cutting-edge reviews of the vectors available for gene transfer to the central nervous system, the strategies against CNS tumors, the potential strategies against neurologic disorder, and the limitations of today's gene therapy approaches. Also discussed are significant applications of gene therapy to brain tumors, Parkinson's disease, ischemia, and Huntington's chorea. Readers will learn the current...
Leading gene therapy researchers and clinicians illuminate the field-from basic vector technology to current and future clinical applications in neuro...
F. Macfarlane Burnet I have been an interested onlooker for many years at research on the biology of trace elements, particularly in its bearing on the pas toral and agricultural importance of copper, zinc, cobalt, and mo lybdenum deficiencies in the soil of various parts of Australia. More recently I have developed a rather more specific interest in the role of zinc, particularly in relation to the dominance of zinc metalloenzymes in the processes of DNA replication and repair, and its possible significance for human pathology. One area of special significance is the striking effect of zinc...
F. Macfarlane Burnet I have been an interested onlooker for many years at research on the biology of trace elements, particularly in its bearing on th...
Biopolymers, such as proteins and nucleic acids have been subjected to a rational succession of structural studies in which the determination of chemical compositions, link ages, and sequences is followed by investigations of molecu lar architecture and interactions. By the end of the 1960s the covalent structures of glycosaminoglycans and proteo glycans had been defined both within the carbohydrate chains and in respect to their linkages to protein. The scene was therefore set for successful probing of three dimensional shapes and intermolecular associations. For tunately, during the 1970s...
Biopolymers, such as proteins and nucleic acids have been subjected to a rational succession of structural studies in which the determination of chemi...
This book, covering many key aspects of autonomic nervous system maturation, was suggested by the success of a symposium on the developing autonomic nervous system held at the Spring 1982 meeting of the Federation of American Scientists for Experi mental Biology (Federation Proceedings 1983, 42, 1609). It was obvi ous from the F ASEB symposium that there is increasing interest in the developing autonomic nervous system, particularly with respect to its role in regulating visceral function. Some additional topics that were not covered in the F ASEB symposium are also included in this book. The...
This book, covering many key aspects of autonomic nervous system maturation, was suggested by the success of a symposium on the developing autonomic n...
Scientific investigations of a descriptive nature involve in- creasingly refined definitions of a problem. An idea is trans- formed after initial experiments into a working hypothesis that has a number of testable consequences. Rarely in the neurosci- ences do such tests completely falsify the hypothesis; more commonly they lead to a modified, more general hypothesis. One could argue that in order to define a scientific problem, one must first understand it. This monograph is an attempt to draw together knowledge and understanding from various disciplines, collected from studies carried out...
Scientific investigations of a descriptive nature involve in- creasingly refined definitions of a problem. An idea is trans- formed after initial expe...
The idea for this book has evolved from our desire to present a conceptual approach to the study of neurotransmitters in epilepsy. Such an approach requires an understanding of the function of neurotransmitter systems in various experimental models of epilep sy. Toward this goal we have included in this book chapters on neurotransmitter systems in nine different epilepsy models. To com plete the coverage of this topic, there is a chapter on the role of selected neurotransmitters in the various types of human epilep sies. In the final chapter the editors integrated the neurotransmit ter data...
The idea for this book has evolved from our desire to present a conceptual approach to the study of neurotransmitters in epilepsy. Such an approach re...
Even before the time of organized scientific investigation, hu mans had begun pondering and attempting to explain the work ing of the brain and the mental and behavioral states it produces. In the last twenty years there has been an almost explosive in crease in brain research. Beginning perhaps with the pioneering efforts of Francis O. Schmitt to establish the Neuroscience Re search Program and the later development of the Society for Neuroscience, there has emerged a large and powerful multi disciplinary research force devoted to understanding even the ru dimentary aspects of brain...
Even before the time of organized scientific investigation, hu mans had begun pondering and attempting to explain the work ing of the brain and the me...
Denis Noble Nearly a decade after completion of the first draft of the entire Human Genome sequence we are in a better position to assess the nature and the consequences of that heroic achievement, which can be seen as the culmination of the molecular biological revolution of the second half of the twentieth century. The achievement itself was celebrated at the highest levels (President and Prime Minister) on both sides of the Atlantic, and rightly so. DNA sequencing has become sufficiently c- mon now, even to the extent of being used in law courts, that it is easy to forget how technically...
Denis Noble Nearly a decade after completion of the first draft of the entire Human Genome sequence we are in a better position to assess the nature a...
Ischemic brain damage represents a major source of morbidity and mortality in westernized society and poses a significant financial burden on the health care system. To date, few effective therapies have been realized to treat stroke and promising avenues have not proven clinically useful. Recent evidence, however, suggests that channels, pumps, and ionic exchangers are involved in CNS ischemia and ischemic stroke, but the potential contribution of these channels for curing stroke is far less understood than for many other normal and pathological conditions. New Strategies in...
Ischemic brain damage represents a major source of morbidity and mortality in westernized society and poses a significant financial burden on the heal...
The past decade has witnessed a revolution in the attempts of scientists to under stand the molecular basis of dementia. Although dementia, as defined by global cogni tive decline involving gradual loss of memory, reasoning, judgment, and orientation, presents most commonly in the form of Alzheimer's disease (AD), an assortment of other less common disorders, such as prion and Pick's disease, can also lead to symp toms that are similar to those observed in patients with AD. The primary goal of Molecular Mechanisms of Dementia is to address the various mechanisms and multi faceted approaches...
The past decade has witnessed a revolution in the attempts of scientists to under stand the molecular basis of dementia. Although dementia, as defined...