The XVI International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT) was held in San Juan. Puerto Rico between June 1 and 5, 1992. It was attended by about 80 scientists from allover the world. The Workshop was started in 1977 by V. C. Aguilera-Navarro, in Sao Paolo, Brazil, as the Panamerican Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, to promote the exchange of ideas and techniques of groups that normally do not interact, such as people working in the areas of Nuclear Physics and Solid state Physics, Many Body Theory, or Quantum Fluids, and Classical Statistical Mechanics, and so on. It had also...
The XVI International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT) was held in San Juan. Puerto Rico between June 1 and 5, 1992. It was attended by abo...
The XV International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories was held at the beautiful seaside resort of Mar del Plata, Argentina, during the first week of July, 1991. The first meeting of this workshop took place at the Instituto de Ffsica Teorica, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1977, as the first Panamerican Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories. Its purpose was to bring together scientists from the Western countries, to work on many different topics related to the manifold aspects of condensed matter theories. The Workshop was so successful in facilitating exchanges of ideas and techniques pertaining...
The XV International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories was held at the beautiful seaside resort of Mar del Plata, Argentina, during the first week...
The XIV International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories has been held at the Elba International Physics Center (EIPC), Marciana Marina, Isola d'Elba, Italy, from 18-23 June, 1990. The Workshop started in 1977 in Sao Paolo, Brazil, as the 1st Pan American Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories, with the purpose of bringing together scientists from the Western countries, working in many different topics of Condensed Matter Theories, to facilitate exchanges of ideas and technologies from different areas as well as collaborations among the scientists. The next five Workshops were held at...
The XIV International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories has been held at the Elba International Physics Center (EIPC), Marciana Marina, Isola d'El...